Configuring HTTPS Communication with Spectrum Spatial

By default Spectrum Spatial Analyst uses HTTP channel for communication with Spectrum Spatial web services. You can configure Spectrum Spatial Analyst to use HTTPS if you want to secure the network communications between Analyst & Spectrum Spatial.

  1. Stop Spectrum Spatial Analyst services
  2. Open file in <AnalystLocation>/customerconfigurations/global directory.
  3. Ensure that all URLs with Spectrum Spatial server host name start with https
You have to import CA certificate in Java trust store if Spectrum Spatial Server is using a Self-signed certificate. Spectrum Spatial Analyst uses the default Java trust store located in <JAVA_HOME%>/jre/lib/security/cacerts. You can use the Java keytool utility to import CA Certificate into the trust store as shown below:
  1. keytool -importcert -alias CA -file cacert.der -keystore cacerts
  2. Enter password for the cacerts, default password is 'changeit'
  3. Verify the imported CA certificate by executing this command: keytool -list -v -keystore cacerts

Finally, restart Spectrum Spatial Analyst services.