Locator Uploader

To access this tab...
Click Address and Routing > Locator Uploader

The Locator Uploader tab enables you to recreate a locator-search dataset by uploading a delimited text file.

Choose the Corresponding Columns in the Input File

Use the Choose the Corresponding Columns in the Input File section to specify which columns in the delimited text file contains the corresponding data.

The number in each drop-down list indicates the number of the column in the delimited text file that contains the corresponding data. Column numbering starts at the left, with the leftmost column in the text file being '1'. Specified columns are not required to be contiguous.

Field Description
Address The number of the column in the delimited text file that contains the address data.
X-co-ordinate The number of the column in the delimited text file that contains the X co-ordinate of the address/location point.
Note: The X co-ordinate must be in the same co-ordinate system as was specified when the locator dataset was configured.
Y-co-ordinate The number of the column in the delimited text file that contains the Y co-ordinate of the address/location point.
Note: The Y co-ordinate must be in the same co-ordinate system as was specified when the locator dataset was configured.

Delimiter Type in the File

Use the Delimiter Type In the File section to select the character used to delimit columns in the text file. You may select Comma, Semicolon, Tab or Bar (Pipe).

Choose the Address Dataset to replace

Use the Address Data Set drop down to select the locator dataset you want to recreate by uploading the delimited text file.

Use the Projection drop down to select between epsg:3857, epsg:4326, epsg:27700 or enter your own value. The projection chosen must be the same as used in your CSV file for the X and Y values and is used to correctly display locations of addresses once the CSV has been uploaded. You can change the projection each time you upload data if needed.

Specify the Input File to Upload

Use the Specify the Input File to Upload section to select the delimited text file you want to upload. You can enter the name of the text file in the File Name field, or click the Browse button to select the file in the File Upload dialog box.

Note: If your locator data contains international or special characters, make sure that the file is saved with UTF-8 encoding rather than ANSI or another format.

When you have selected the correct input file to upload, and the corresponding settings, click the Upload button.

Address Data Processing Status

The Address Data Processing Status section displays messages regarding the status of the file upload. During the upload a progress bar will also be displayed showing how much of the CSV file has been uploaded. Once uploaded, the status section will then report on the processing of the data and whether any errors were found.