Adding a Guest Role and User for Guest Access

Guest access in Analyst allows anyone to browse to it anonymously without signing in. When Spectrum Spatial Analyst was installed you may have chosen to enable Guest access and entered a username and password for the guest user. The details of the guest user are recorded at the end of the file located here:

C:\Program Files\Pitney Bowes\SpectrumSpatialAnalyst\customerconfigurations\_global_\ (or at the path where Spectrum Spatial Analyst was installed if the default install path was changed).

The relevant settings for guest access in this file are as follows:
access.authenticated.enabled = true This should always be true otherwise only guest access will work and users won’t be able to sign in.
access.public.enabled = true This is true if guest access is enabled, otherwise it is false.
anonymousUsername=AnalystGuestUser The username for the guest user (used if guest access is enabled).
anonymousPassword=Password1 The password for the guest user (used if guest access is enabled).

Ensure that the guest user exists in Spectrum (or is added) and that their name and password are as specified in the file. If you wish to change these settings you can modify them and save the properties file. Then you must re-start the 3 Analyst services using the Windows services.msc for the settings to take effect.

Adding the guest role:
  1. Log into the Management Console.
  2. Go to the System > Security > Roles item on the left hand side menu.
  3. Click Add.

    A dialog will show allowing you to enter a role name and optionally tick to enable permissions on various secured entities.

  4. Enter the name of the new Role. For a role to be available with Spectrum Spatial Analyst its name must start with the word “Analyst”.

    For example, the role name can be AnalystGuestRole with no spaces in between. You may choose any name for the guest role, but it needs to be updated in

  5. Click Save.
    Note: For more information, refer to Creating a Role section in Spectrum Spatial Admin Guide.
Add the guest user to the role
  1. Go to the System > Security > Users item on the left hand side menu.
  2. On the right hand side you will see a list of existing users.
  3. Click the name of the user specified as the guest user in the file.
  4. Click Modify.
  5. A dialog will show with the user’s name and other details.
  6. Ensure that only the guest role is assigned to the user and no other roles.
  7. Click Save.
    Note: For more information, refer to Adding a User section in Spectrum Spatial Admin Guide.

Note: You should not assign any user-specific permissions to the user.

In the Spectrum Spatial Analyst Administration Console, any maps that are given permission to the guest role will be visible to any users without them needing to sign in.