Creating a New Spectrum Routing Configuration

To create a new Spectrum Routing configuration:

  1. Open the Spectrum Routing tab.
  2. Click on the Create New button.
    The Create Spectrum Routing Configuration dialog box appears.
  3. Enter the name of the Spectrum Routing configuration in the Name text box.
    Note: No special characters are supported in name. You cannot create a configuration with an existing name.
  4. Enter the service URL in the ERM URL text box. For example, http://stratusopinstal:8080/rest/GetTravelBoundary
    Note: Whenever you enter the GetTravelBoundary (case sensitive) in the ERM URL, then Historic Traffic and Databases options will also appear.
  5. Enter the admin user name in the Username text box.
  6. Enter the admin password in the Password text box.
  7. Select the Historic Traffic tick box to fetch the available historic time traffic buckets for the specified ERM URL. You can choose from None, AMPeak, PMPeak, OffPeak and Night in the Spectrum Spatial Analyst.
  8. Select the available Databases tick box to fetch configured databases for the specified ERM URL.
  9. Click Save to save the new Spectrum Routing configuration. It is listed in the Spectrum Routing configuration list in the main page.
  10. Click Cancel to move back to previous page without creating Spectrum Routing configuration.