Ellipse Annotation Properties

Table 1. Ellipse Annotation
Properties Description
Units Displays the measurements of selected annotations like area, length and perimeter. You can select various measurement units from the drop-down list. The supported measurement units are Meters, Feet, Yards, Kilometers, Miles, Acres, and Hectares. The default measurement unit will be the configured map unit for all annotations.
Perimeter Displays the perimeter in selected unit.
Area Displays the area in selected unit.
Center X Enter the value of x to relocate an existing annotation to a new location.
Center Y Enter the value of y to relocate an existing annotation to a new location.
Major Axis Displays the diameters (lines through the center) of the ellipse. The major axis is the longest diameter.
Minor Axis Displays the diameters (lines through the center) of the ellipse. The minor axis is the shortest diameter.
Rotation Enter the value to rotate the selected annotation from the center.
Apply Tap Apply, to apply changes to annotation properties.
Cancel Tap Cancel, to cancel and close the properties dialog box.