Steps to update the Input/Output Schema for REST API Connection


There are mainly 2 ways to update the REST API data connection:

1. Copy the data connection, make changes in the Schemas and update the webservices.

2. Delete the Form field mapping from the data connection and make changes to schema. Then create the form fields again to existing fields.

Copy the Data Connection

  1. Right click the existing Data Connection to create a copy of it.

  2. Enter the required details in the Copy Data Connection Wizard. You can update the URL, Input and Output Schema. Based on the requirement properties in the schema can be added or removed. Data connection is created.

  3. Right click to create the form fields and map to the existing fields in the field mapping Wizard. Copied Data connection is created.

  4. Go to the form Wizard and update the web service reference to the new copied data connection web service.

  5. Deploy the solution and validate it.

Recreate the Form fields

  1. Select the REST API Data connection – Form Fields and delete the Form Fields Mapping.

  2. After deletion of Form Field Mapping, you can add the Input/ Output Schema.

    Once the schema changes are done, you can re-create the form field mapping.

  3. User can either add new description and webservice name or use the old ones. Click Next to map the schema values with form fields.

  4. Select the checkboxes in Field Mapping Parameters to reuse already created form fields. If any new properties are added in any of the schema, those will also start to appear in this list. Once the mapping is done, user can drag and drop the new properties to form.

  5. Deploy the solution and validate it.