
In Portal, there are different kind of widgets, few widgets are for static data like, Date, Weather, etc. and few are for dynamic data like List, Card, Table. The dynamic data can be obtained from multiple sources like Tasks, Templates, Drafts, Links, Reports, Data Connections (these are present in Widget Select Widget Content).

Taking an example for the List widget, a List widget is added on the grid space from the Widgets tab. In Select Widget Content, the Data Connection option is selected, it brings the data from the Data Connection like SQL. On deploying the Portal, the list of items can be seen those are fetched from the SQL. Now if some actions are required to be done on the data the Actions and Variables are required. These can be found under, Content → ActionsOn clicking on settings for Actions in Content, Manage Actions pop-up appears. The Portal actions can be managed here.


Actions can be added to Portal using Add option. On clicking, Action Template Configuration pop-up appears. Here, new actions can be added. It contains following:

  1. Name: The action name is provided here.

  2. Description: The description for the action is provided here.

  3. Action types: You can select the type of action you want to add. Below are the available options:

    Set Variables: You can set variables as an action on the Portal. When you click on continue after selecting Set Variables, Action Template Configuration pop-up appears. It contains following fields:

    Set data source for this action: You can select the data source for the action from this drop down.

    Set the Portal variable to a fixed value or to a widget-item's column value: You can select a variable from the dropdown (added in Content → Variables) and point it to a fixed value (the fixed value is given in the textbox next to dropdown) or a value from a data source (the value is selected from the dropdown according to the data source selected above) here.

    Add More: More Portal variables can be added using Add More.

    Open Form: On Portal you can open forms for the Portal users as an action. On clicking on continue you can see the available forms by expanding apps, you can then select the desired form. On next pop up, Variable-Form Field Mapping is provided. Here you select the variable from the dropdown (added in Content → Variables) and provide Form field’s xPath for the mapping.

    Add More: More Variable-Form Field Mappings can be added using Add More.

    Refresh Widget: You can refresh widgets on the Portal as an action. On clicking on continue you can select the widgets to be refreshed from the List of Widget(s) to refresh dropdown.

    Add More: More widgets to be refreshed can be added using Add More.

    Display Notification: on Portal you can display a notification message as an action. On clicking continue you can set a user message in Show message to user textbox. The notification message can be Default, Success, Warning, Info, Error.

    The added actions are displayed in the form of a table. The table consists of following fields:

    1. Name: The action name appears here.

    2. Type: The action type appears here.

    3. Description: The description for the action is shown here.

    4. Actions: The Actions can be edited or deleted from here.

You can select the columns to be displayed and sort the actions by clicking on the column menu next to Name, Type, and Description.