Chart Widget

You can add a Chart Widget to your Portal. On a Portal, you can view Data reports and Data connections in form of charts. Below are the properties available to design Chart Widget.

Confirm Widget Properties

It is used to set the properties of the widget in terms of Header, Body and Layout.


  1. Widget Position in Mobile: It determines the order of widget in a mobile device.

  2. Show Refresh Icon: It is used to show or hide the widget refresh icon. The icon can be viewed in the preview while designing.

  3. Show Header: It is used to show or hide the widget header.

  4. Background Color: It is used to change the header background color.


  1. Background Color: It is used to change the body background color. This color should be different from the body text color.

Select Widget Content

You can select the Widget content here. The content can be in the form of Reports or Data Connections. On selecting the widget content, Configure Widget Properties page opens.


The below fields are available to design Reports:

  1. Select the Report: You can select the available reports from the dropdown.

  2. Select the display type: You can select the type of chart you want to add. You can display data within the chart types of Pie Chart, Bar Chart, Line Chart, and Donut Chart.

  3. Select the X-axis field you want to show in the chart: This dropdown specifies the column according to the report selected to be shown in the X-axis.

  4. Select the Y-axis field you want to show in the chart: This dropdown specifies the column according to the report selected to be shown in the Y-axis.


Y- axis should always be an integer or decimal value to display on the chart. Bit type filed has a value True or False which cannot be displayed on a chart.

Data Connections

The below fields are available to add and design charts with data connections:

  1. Select the Data Connection: You can select one of the available data connections from this dropdown.

  2. Select the display type: You can select the type of chart you want to add. You can display data within the chart types of Pie Chart, Bar Chart, Line Chart, and Donut Chart.

  3. Select the X-axis field you want to show in the chart: This dropdown specifies the column according to the data connection selected to be shown in the X-axis.

  4. Select the Y-axis field you want to show in the chart: This dropdown specifies the column according to the data connection selected to be shown in the Y-axis.


The Chart widget added on the grid can be deleted from here.