
Chat allows the external Portal users to live chat with the chat agents whom you configure in the Portal account. Chat does not allow Portal users to chat with each other.

To enable Chat, Portal users must have access to the internet on the Portal machine.

You need to provide the following fields to set up chat in Portal:

  1. Name: The chat name is provided here.

  2. Select Provider: The chat provider that you will use for enabling chat service is provided here for example Zendesk(at this time, the only chat provider we support is Zendesk Chat).

  3. Provider URL: This is the chat service provider URL; you can find this URL in the script SRC setting of the Zendesk Chat account. (Settings→ Widget→ Getting started→ Embed Web Widget)

  4. Chat Auth Key: This is the shared secret key that chat service provider provides you. You can find it from Zendesk Chat account (Settings→ Widget→ Widget Security (Shared Secret))

  5. Widget Horizontal Position: To set the horizontal alignment of the chat widget.

  6. Widget Vertical Position: To set the vertical alignment of the chat widget.

  7. Horizontal Offset: To set the horizontal padding of the chat widget.

  8. Vertical Offset: To set vertical padding of the chat widget.

  9. Theme: To set chat theme color.

The Chat widget will appear as an icon in the Portal dashboard and will be available from every page of the Portal.


Chat Widget does not support Custom CSS styling. The user can only set the theme while configuring the Chat widget during design time.

If you have incorrectly entered the provider URL in the Chat settings, chat will not load and you will receive an error message. A log will also be registered in the browser console.

If you have incorrectly entered the Chat authorization key in the Chat settings or if the Zendesk Chat Plan you added does not include access to authenticated chat, you will not be authenticated. Unauthenticated users are unable to access the Chat history; they can update their contact details and the Chat agent can validate their authenticity.