
You can customize the header on your Portal. On clicking on settings for Header in Settings, Header Settings pop-up appears. It consists of following:

  1. Portal Title: The title for the Portal page header is provided here.

  2. Portal Logo: The Portal logo can be browsed here. When you click on browse the Manage Image pop up opens. Select from the already added images or you can also add images by clicking on Add on Manage Image pop up.

  3. Header Color: You can change the Header background color here.

  4. Header Text Color: You can change the Header text color here.

  5. Display language: Set Display Language on to display the language dropdown on the header.

  6. Show on Form: Set Show Form on to display the language dropdown on the form.

  7. Display logged In User: Set Display Logged in User on to display the user who is logged In.

  8. Sticky Header: It fixes the header to the top of the screen when the page is scrolled down.

  9. Height: The height of the Portal page header is provided here. It should be between 44 to 120.

If the portal site is opened in mobile view, the drop-down menu will show both Header links and Navigation links.

  • Links are presented in the order: Header links followed by Navigation links.

  • The order of links within 'Header links' and 'Navigation links' is same as designed by the user.

Only one instance of a link will be shown if it is found common between Header links and Navigation links.


  • Header is always visible by default on Portal page.

  • Header is set to Sticky by default and user can disable it in Header Settings option.

  • In case user wants to add Portal pages links on header, create page link from Links option and select the page link to display on header from the "+" option shown on header of design page.