Iframe Widget

You can add Iframe widget to your Portal. Below are the properties available to design Iframe Widget.

Confirm Widget Properties

It is used to set the properties of the widget in terms of Header, Body and Layout.


  1. Widget Position in Mobile: It determines the order of widget in a mobile device.

  2. Show Header: It is used to show or hide the widget header.

  3. Background Color: It is used to change the header background color.

Add Iframe

You can add Iframe to the Portal by providing following fields:

URL: You can add the URL like, *.youtube.com, *.dropbox.com, *.sharepoint.com , *.metacafe.com, *.hulu.com for Iframe in this field . The admin should add the same in Content Security Policy Header of Evolve - UI web.config file. To add the URL, follow the steps given below.

  1. Go to Evolve Server.

  2. Navigate to Evolve Installation Directory and click UI folder(Winshuttle\EvolveServer\ui).

  3. Open web.config file and locate Content Security Policy Header field.

  4. Add the required URL in the following section in the format *.test.com after *.hulu.com


The Iframe widget added on the grid can be deleted from here.