Left Navigation

You can customize the left navigation on your Portal. On clicking on settings for Left Navigation in Settings, you can see the Show Sidebar button. On enabling it the Manage Left Navigation pop-up appears. It consists of the following fields:

  1. Show Burger Menu: If it is disabled, the left navigation pane remains expanded.

  2. Left Side Navigation Color: To change the left side navigation background color.

  3. Left Side Navigation Text Color: To change the left side navigation text color.

On clicking Next, the table appears containing the data from Contents → Manage Links. It consists of the following columns:

  1. Icon: The link icon appears here.

  2. Display Text: The display text provided while adding the link appears here.

  3. Target: The link target URL is displayed here.

  4. Show: You can enable it to display the link on the Left Navigation.

On clicking Next, the pop up appears to set order for the selected links. The links are dragged and dropped to re set the order.