
You can add and manage links on your Portal. Portal links can be managed in this section. On clicking on settings for Links in Content, Manage Links pop-up appears.


Links can be added to portal using Add option. On clicking, Add Link pop-up appears. Here, new links can be added. It contains following:

  1. Name: This is the name of the link to be added.

  2. Display Text: This is the text to be displayed.

  3. Link Type: This can be either Redirect URL or Container Page.

    Redirect URL: You can specify a URL that should open when clicked on the new created link.

    Container Page: You can specify a page that should open when clicked on the new created link.

  4. URL/ Page: Based on what you choose between Redirect URL and Container Page you provide value for URL or Page. The link URL is provided here for Redirect URL. The page (the page added in Content → Pages) is selected from the dropdown for Container Page.

  5. Browse Icon File: The icon is selected from file directory.

If the portal site is opened in mobile view, the drop-down menu will show both Header links and Navigation links.

  • Links are presented in the order: Header links followed by Navigation links.

  • The order of links within 'Header links' and 'Navigation links' is same as designed by the user.

Only one instance of a link will be shown if it is found common between Header links and Navigation links.


You can search for a Link using search option.

The added links are displayed in a table. The table consists of:

  1. Icon: The link icon appears here.

  2. Display Text: The display text provided while adding the link appears here.

  3. Name: The name of the link appears here.

  4. Link Type: The type of link which can be Container page or Redirect URL appears here.

  5. Target: The url or page name is displayed here.

  6. Modified Date: The date of modification of a link appears here. You can sort the links based on the date of modification by clicking on the arrow next to modified date.

  7. Actions: The link can be edited by clicking on edit icon or deleted on clicking on delete icon from here.

You can select the columns to be displayed and sort the Links by clicking on the column menu next to Display text, Name, Link Type, Target and Modified Date.


  • Link selection is supported in Portal from four places

    • Header Links

    • Card Type Widget

    • List Type Widget

    • Table Type Widget

    Link selection is two step wizard.

  1. Option to select links and "display as"(not available in case of link type widget, as layout of widget is used to determine the display) is provided.

  2. Links order can be decided, re-order can be done by drag and drop.

  • When a page is deleted from Pages section, the link containing the same page will still be shown under Links section if it is linked to Container Page type.