App Users Element Properties

The App Users element allows you to retrieve the members of a group in an app and display details about them in a repeating table.

The repeating table can then be used as a data source for populating a drop-down list, and in conjunction with the Workflow Participant element to assign Swim Lanes based on the details that are retrieved from the group.


If you deploy a solution and the App Groups parameter is not found, you will receive an error message.

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The descriptive name of the element.


The label of the element.


The App containing the group you want to work with.

App Groups

The name of the group(s) you want to work with. Group names can be separated by commas. The XPath of a field can also be used - the group(s) added to that field will be used.

 If you deploy a solution and the App Groups parameter is not found, you will receive an error message.

Login Name Field

The repeating table field for the log-in names retrieved from the group.

Full Name Field

The repeating table field for the names retrieved from the group.

Email Field

The repeating table field for the email addresses retrieved from the group.

Group Name

The repeating table field for the name of the group.

Note: If both App and App Groups are empty, all users from the current app will be shown.If both App and App Groups include a value, users from the noted app and app group will be shown. If App is empty and App Group includes a value, users from the noted app group who are in the current app will be shown. If App includes a value and App Group is empty, all users from the noted app will be shown.