Form Validation Element Properties

The Form Validation element can be used to validate data that a user enters into a form.

Regular expressions and comparison operations can be configured, and server-side code can be written to do custom validations if the existing functionality does not meet your needs.

The regular expression syntax is standard, and references to the regular expression syntax can be found in numerous places on the Web.


Notes: Validation will not run until the user submits the form to the workflow.

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Regular Expressions

RegExp: regular expression to use in validating the field.

Field: the name of the field to validate.

Message: the message to display if the field’s value does not match the regular expression.


Field 1: leftmost field in the comparison.

Comparison: the comparison operator.

Field 2: rightmost field in the comparison.

Message: the message to display if the comparison validation fails.

Plug-in Validator

Assembly: fully qualified name of the assembly from which to load the server-side validator. Assembly must be present either in "bin" folder (where Evolve is installed) or inside folder given as value of "PluginDirectory" config key.

Class: fully qualified name of the class that must implement the Ws.PluginHelper.IFormValidator interface. (This was previously called "About.")


The order in which the validator control should run.


To test plug-in validator assembly, please find below a Visual Studio solution and assembly generated by it. Validator is written in "SampleValidator" project of solution. Validator will find the field named "mytoken" on the form and verify if its value is $abcd1234 or not.

For the assembly generated by this project, a value of "Assembly" parameter of control is "SampleValidator.dll" and value of "Class" parameter of control is "ClassLibrary1.ValidateFormTest"

See Console App 11.