HTML Element Properties

With the HTML element you can add custom HTML code to a form using an intuitive HTML editor.

  1. Add the HTML element to your form.

  2. In the Properties pane, next to Label, click the Options button [...] to open the HTML editor.

  3. Add your custom HTML.

  4. Click OK.

If you want users to be able to edit the HTML in the form, you can set Enable Runtime Edit to True.

Note: If File Library links navigate to the home page (rather than to the intended page), set the Target option value to "Open in new window" - in the link field of the HTML control.

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Related topic: Element Properties


Value Type




The internal name for an element in the form.

Column Span

Number (1-6)

The number of columns the element will span. Applies to Basic and Helper elements only. If a Group is configured to have more than one (1) column, the Column Span property on any element within the group will span the set number of columns.



The HTML body.

Enable Runtime Edit

True | False

True: Enables a runtime HTML Editor for the element. False (default): Does not display the HTML editor.

Propagate Changes to all Views

True | False

When you change style or properties for common labels in a Composer form with multiple views, you will be prompted by a dialog box asking if you want to apply the changes to all views. Setting this option to True automatically propagates style or property changes to all applicable views without prompting.