Set Column with Process Inheritance Plug-in

The Set Column with Process Inheritance plug-in allows you to set values in a solution field column of a parent or child process that is currently running.






The name of the parent or child process that contains the solution fields you want to set. If the Process Name provided is the same as the current process, the Process Type parameter will be ignored and the fields of the current process will be updated.

If the Process Name you provide is not the same as that of the current process, and the Process Type parameter is set to Child, it will look for the immediate child of the current process. If a child process with that name is found, the field of that child process will be updated. (It will not look for the child process recursively - the "grandchild").

If the Process Name you provide is not the same as the current process and the Process Type parameter is set to Parent, it will look for a parent process of that name until it is found or until no additional parent processes exist. (It will look for grandparents as well.) When the parent process with the name you provided is found, the parent process field will be updated.



Child or Parent (select the value from the drop-down list). The column of the child/parent process will be updated with the processname entered in the processname field.


ListFields (Parameter)

The solution field for which a value needs to be set.


ListFields (value)

The value which needs to be set in the solution field.


Direct value: My Value

Value from form field: [/my:myFields/my:field2]

Value from solution field: [field1]
