Notification Node Properties

The Notification node is used to send notifications at a specific point informing team members of an action, event, or status in a workflow.

Property Description


A description of the task/assignment. (Note that while you can create rules/logic with operators, functions, etc. for this field, this is not a common use of the Notification node.)

Email Format

Type of notification that goes out when the task is assigned. Possible values are:

  • HTML — the email notification is sent in HTML format.
  • HTML and Text — the email notification is sent in both HTML and text format, and the mobile device automatically determines which view (text or HTML) to display.
  • Text — the email notification is sent in text format. Note that links are not supported in emails sent in text format.

In order to support as many devices as possible, the options HTML/Text and Text were designed for mobile devices. Some devices fully support HTML/text emails; for those that do not, the Text option should be used. Winshuttle recommends running some tests with your workflow and mobile device(s) to determine which option is best for your users.

Form Attachment Format

The format for a form attachment. Options are .PDF, .PNG, or .JPG.

Form View

The name of the form view to use for the form when it is attached to an email.

Include Item

  • True: Attaches a .JPG image to the form to the email.
  • False: Does not attach a .JPG image of the form to the email.

Item Link Text

Hypertext link directing the assignee to the form or document pertaining to the task.

Main Page Link Text

Hypertext link directing the assignee to the Evolve app where the task originated.


The message in the notification.

HTML code can be used to format the email notification.

Notification Subject

The subject line for the notification email.


The name of the task/assignment.

Override Send Delay

The name of the solution field that should be used to set the send delay of the email. If specified, the send delay parameter will be ignored and the date specified in the solution field for this parameter will be respected. The solution field specified in this parameter can contain the following:​

Date Field: Send delay is set to this date. The date format should be same as that of the server.​

String Field: If the given value includes the Timespan format 0.00:00:01 (days.hours:minutes:seconds), this timespan is added to the current server time and the send delay value is set.​

Number Field: If the given value is in number format, that number of hours is added to the current server time and the send delay value is set. ​

Send Delay

Time (in days or hours) to wait until sending out the notification.

Set Values

Allows you to set a value in a form field or solution field, after the task has been completed.

Show History

True: Appends a workflow history associated with the form or document to the email.False: Does not include a workflow history of the form in the email.

Show Item Link

Toggles the inclusion/exclusion of a hypertext link in the task notification, directing the assignee to the form or document pertaining to the task (see ItemLinkText).

Show Main Page Link

Toggles the inclusion/exclusion of a hypertext link in the task notification, directing the assignee to the Evolve app where the task originated (see MainPageLinkText).

Swim Lane

The swim lane assigned to the task.


The type of the node. (This is a read-only field.)