Plug-in Node Properties

The plug-in node is used to automate tasks in a workflow, such as:

  1. Copy a form or document to another location.
  2. Interface with a Web service.
  3. Design, add, or integrate your own functionality into a process.

See the Plug-ins Guide for a list of plug-ins, their settings, and use.

Property Description
Description A description of the task/assignment.
Name The name of the task/assignment.
Plug-in Name The type of plug-in node being used.
Continue without Waiting This attribute value indicates whether or not the workflow should continue immediately after running the plug-in. True: (default): The workflow starts the plug-in action, but immediately continues onward. The workflow does not wait for the plug-in to complete its action before continuing. False: The workflow stops until whatever action the workflow is performing has been completed.
Type Read-only type of the node.

Plug-in Parameters

Property settings for the plug-in node.