Table Widget

You can add and edit different types of contents to your Table widget. Below are the properties available to design Table Widget.

Confirm Widget Properties

It is used to set the properties of the widget in terms of Header, Body and Layout.


  1. Widget Position in Mobile: It determines the order of widget in a mobile device.

  2. Show Refresh Icon: It is used to show or hide the widget refresh icon. The icon can be viewed in the preview while designing.

  3. Show Header: It is used to show or hide the widget header.

  4. Background Color: It is used to change the header background color.


  1. Primary Text: This allows you to format the primary text for the content.

  2. Secondary Text: This allows you to format the secondary text for the content.

  3. Background Color: It is used to change the body background color. This color should be different from the body text color.


  1. Show Table Header Row: You can show or hide the header row of the table.

  2. Show Alternate List Color: You can display alternate rows in the table in different colors.

  3. Show Filter: You can choose whether or not to allow filtering of the table content.

  4. Allow Sorting: You can set this to allow sorting of table content.

  5. Download To Excel: You can set this to allow download to Excel.

  6. Download To PDF: You can set this to allow download to PDF.


  • All the record(s) in the widget grid will be exported when None or Client Side Pagination is enabled.

  • Only the current page record(s) in the widget grid will be exported when Server Side Pagination is enabled.

  • Table widget does not support Sorting and Filtering in Mobile View.

Select Widget Content

The content of the widget is selected here. The content can be Tasks, Templates, Drafts, Links, Reports, or Data Connections. When you select a widget content and click on continue, Configure Widget Properties page opens. Below are the types of contents you can add to your table widget


You can add tasks to your table. The following properties can be seen in Configure Widget Properties for Tasks Widget Content:

  1. Select the fields you want to show in the table: You can select the fields that you want to be included in your table by clicking on the column menu in the header, also the fields that are not required can be removed.

  2. Default Sort By: You can select the column from the dropdown that needs to be sorted. By default, it is in ascending order, the order can be changed by clicking on the arrow next to Default Sort By.

  3. Pagination Mode: This provides information on how the pagination for list will be done, it can be set to none for no pagination or Client or Server to show the provided number of records per page.

  4. Records Count: This provides information on the total number of records fetched from the server.


You can add templates to your table widget. The following properties can be seen in Configure Widget Properties for Templates Widget Content:

  • Select the fields you want to show in the table:You can select the fields that you want to be included in your table by clicking on the column menu in the header, also the fields that are not required can be removed.

You can see the available templates to current user when you click on continue. You can then select the desired templates in the Select Template section and can edit them in Manage Form section.

Select Forms

You can select any desired templates from the available apps to the current user. You can also search for a template by name using search form.

Manage Forms

You can edit the selected templates in the manage form section. Add title and description of the template, you can also add an icon to appear in front of the template.


You can add drafts to your table. The following properties can be seen in Configure Widget Properties for Drafts Widget Content:

  1. Select the fields you want to show in the table: You can select the fields that you want to be included in your table by clicking on the column menu in the header, also the fields that are not required can be removed.

  2. Default Sort By: You can select the column from the dropdown that needs to be sorted. By default, it is in ascending order, the order can be changed by clicking on the arrow next to Default Sort By.

  3. Pagination Mode: This provides information on how the pagination for list will be done, it can be set to none for no pagination or Client or Server to show the provided number of records per page.

  4. Records Count: This provides information on the total number of records fetched from the server.


You can add links to your table widget. The following properties can be seen in Configure Widget Properties for Templates Widget Content:

  • Select the fields you want to show in the table: You can select the fields that you want to be included in your table by clicking on the column menu in the header, also the fields that are not required can be removed.

You can manage links when you click on Continue on Configure Widget Properties. On Manage Links you can search for links, select multiple links and set order of appearance of the links to be added.


You can add and view data from reports to your table widget. The following properties can be seen in Configure Widget Properties for Reports Widget Content

  1. Select the Report: This drop down provides you the reports available to be added.

  2. Select the fields you want to show in the table: You can select the fields that you want to be included in your table by clicking on the column menu in the header, also the fields that are not required can be removed.

  3. Pagination Mode: This provides information on how the pagination will be done, it can be set to none for no pagination or Client or Server to show the provided number of records per page.

  4. Records Count: This provides information on the total number of records fetched from the server.

Data Connections

You can add data connections to your table widget. The following properties can be seen in Configure Widget Properties for Data Connections Widget Content

  1. Select the Data Connection: This drop down provides you options for available data connections.

  2. Select the fields you want to show in the table: You can select the fields that you want to be included in your table by clicking on the column menu in the header, also the fields that are not required can be removed.

  3. Default Sort By: you can select the column that needs to be sorted from this drop down. By default, it is in ascending order, the order can be changed by clicking on the arrow next to Default Sort By

  4. Pagination Mode: This provides information on how the pagination will be done, it can be set to none for no pagination or Client or Server to show the provided number of records per page.

  5. Records Count: This provides information on the total number of records fetched from the server.

Manage Events

You can add and manage events in your table. The added events are shown in the form of a table. They can be displayed either as icons or as dropdown items. Following fields need to be provided in Event Configuration page to add an event

  1. Name: Provide the name for the event.

  2. Description: Provide the description for the event.

  3. Upload an image: You can upload an image to be displayed using upload image. Click on browse, Manage Image page appears. Select the image or click on Add to add the image

  4. Set as Default Event: To make your event default when you click on the widget, set this on. This replaces any previously set Default-event for this widget.

When you click on Continue, Event Configuration page appears. Here the action can be added and saved for the event. For actions to appear in the Select Action drop-down, go to Contents → Actions → Settings → Manage Actions.


You can delete the card added on the grid using delete.

Known Limitations

  • Download to Excel/Download to PDF option does not work on the Portal Table widget if the content in the table is Links.

  • Borders of rows and columns in a table are not visible on HTML widget due to Kendo's UI limitation. Hence, if the user wants to add a table it will not be visible on HTML widget.