
Evolve customers may have internal and external Portal users who speak various languages, and who may benefit from a localized Portal UI. Evolve Portal provides you an option to translate the Portal content into different languages. Evolve Solution Designers can use a resource file to translate the Portal.

Elements such as Action Items and specific template names or table headers can be translated. Names you have assigned within Evolve, such as a task name – will be brought into the Portal in the language you used when assigning the name; those items cannot be localized.

You can translate Portal either by exporting resource file, getting it translated and then importing translated resource file back; or through Cognitive Services using Translation.

The key needs to be purchased and put in ConnectionsExternal Web ServicesCognitiveServices

  • The Translation drop-down menu is only visible in Preview and on the Portal site, once a localization file has been imported for a language (other than default Portal Language).

  • If the user imports a localization file for the default Portal language, it will update the existing string on the UI.

  • Translation feature with Export/Import is only supported for the following:

    • All Widget Headers

    • Footer

    • Content localization supported only for widget Type List, Cards & Tables with the Content-type Templates & Links.

  • In Preview mode, the Translation is always set to the default language of the site.

    • In the case of Portal, the language of the site is set to the browser language by default. If the browser language is not available (under the language drop-down menu) then the default language of the Portal is set.

    • Once the user manually sets the Portal to a certain language on a browser via the drop-down menu, that language takes precedence, every time the portal site is opened. This user preference is browser-specific.

  • The user is also allowed to partially translate the existing UI for a language.

    • For this, the user can import just the required Key-Value pairs.

    • For the missing localized string for a language (other than default), the default Portal language's UI strings are referred to.


Default Portal language is the language that is set while creating a new Portal.

On expanding Translation in Settings, the following buttons appear:

  1. Export: On clicking on Export, Export Resource File pop up appears. Here the resource file can be downloaded. This resource file will contain all the fields on the Portal that can be translated.

  2. Import: On clicking on Import, Import Resource File pop up appears. Here the resource file can be imported by browsing. The file you are importing should have translated content. Import translation resource file has key value pair for every input.

  3. Translate: You can use Translate to get your content translated. On clicking on Translate, Select Languages to Translate pop up appears. Here, the desired languages are selected from the dropdown for translation.

Localize the Portal UI

  1. Click Export Resource File. This file will contain all the fields on the Portal.

  2. Get the fields in resource file translated.

  3. Save the resource file.

  4. Click Import Resource File to import the resource file containing translated content into the Portal UI.

Note:  Each term on the Portal that you would like to localize must be entered into the resource file.