
You can add and manage videos on your Portal. Portal videos can be managed in this section. On clicking on settings for Videos in Content, Manage Videos pop-up appears.


Videos can be added to Portal using Add option. On clicking, the file system pop-up appears to select the video.

You upload videos of different formats like .mp4, .webm, .mov, and of different sizes. The size limit and supported extensions are defined under Content Properties option of portal. You can edit these properties as per requirements. Also, you can delete the uploaded videos anytime.


You can search for a video using Search option.

The added videos are displayed in the form of a table. The table consists of following fields:

  1. Video Name: The video name appears here.

  2. Modified Date: The date of modification of the video appears here. You can sort the table based on the date of modification by clicking on the arrow next to modified date.

  3. Actions: The video can be deleted or the URL can be copied from here.


Set the HTTP Ccompression Profile to None to support the .ogg/.ogv video streaming on portal in F5 load-balancer setup.


  • Video playback on External portal is not supported where the video is being uploaded in portal video gallery and its URL is used in HTML/iframe or footer widget. However, you can stream YouTube videos (or video from any other external source) on External portal.