
The SVFormOnFormPreRender function gets called before a form is rendered within the browser. This function is used to count how many times a form gets rendered while the form is opened in the browser.




The internal count of the number of times a form is rendered. The count is set to 0 after the getting the form markup from the server. Every other time the form is rendered, the renderCount variable is incremented.


The XML Document that contains all the XML of the form.

Code sample

The following code snippet populates a field within a form with the amount of times the form is rendered:

//SVFormOnFormPreRender Example

//Create function with the renderCount and xmlDocument arguments

function SVFormOnFormPreRender(renderCount, xmlDocument) {

//Create a variable to place the value of renderCount in

var theRenderCount = xmlDocument.selectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:field1");

//Set the value of field1 to the value of renderCount
