Applies to:

  • Winshuttle Foundation

Creating or opening a Winshuttle Composer solution

Creating a new solution with the Solution Wizard

  1. Click the arrow to open the main menu, and then click New.
  2. Click Solution Wizard.

    Composer New Solution Wizard screen

  3. In the New Solution Wizard dialog box, under Name, type a name for the solution. (*Required)
  4. Select one of the following:
    • Form Workflow: Create a form workflow to create a form and workflow in Winshuttle Composer.
    • Excel Workflow: Create an Excel-based Workflow in Winshuttle Composer. Excel-based workflows and their associated tasks are handled entirely through Microsoft Excel.
  5. Under Forms Site, click the arrow to open the menu and select a SharePoint site. If your Forms site does not appear in the list, type the URL for it (, for example). (*Required)
  6. Under Central Site, click the arrow and select your Winshuttle Central site.
  7. Click Next.

    Note: Swim Lanes, Data Connections, Field Packs, and Scripts/Web Services can all be created later if you do not wish to specify them now.

  8. Swim Lanes(optional).
    Under Swim Lanes, click Add. Select the Type, Role, and then type a name for the Swim Lane. See Working with Swim Lanes for more information. Click Next.
  9. Add Data Connections (optional).
    Click Add to Add Data Connections. See Adding Data Connections for instructions on how to add different types of data connections. Click Next.
  10. Add Transaction/Query Scripts (optional).
    Click Add to add Transaction or Query scripts. See Importing Transaction/Query scripts for more information.
  11. Click Finish.

Opening an existing solution

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  1. On the Composer ribbon, click Open Solution.

    Open Solution icon

  2. Click one of the following options:
    • From Recent List: Choose a file from the list of recent files.
    • From Desktop: Click Choose File to open a file saved to your desktop.
    • From Workflow Site: Select this option, and then next to Forms Site, select your Workflow Server from the menu.

    Tip: Under Recent Solutions, you can use the Search box to filter the list of solutions by typing in search criteria.

  3. Click OK.