Applies to:

  • Winshuttle Foundation

Winshuttle Composer settings and preferences

Use Composer's Preferences settings to set default translation settings, Workflow canvas settings, and formatting preferences for the Form editor (such as default font, default colors, etc.)

Click the Composer Start button , and then click Preferences.

See below for a brief description of available preferences.

General preferences

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You can use either Microsoft Cognitive Services translation or Google translation.

Cognitive Services API key: Visit the Microsoft Azure Text API website to create an account and get a key.

Google API key: See the Google Cloud Platform website for more information about the Google Cloud Translation API and instructions for getting a key.

preferences dialog box

Microsoft Translator (Bing) is no longer supported.

Workflow preferences

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Workflow preferences enable you to set default size (in pixels) for the following items:

  • Canvas Size (pixels): The overall size of the workflow editing canvas
  • Grid Size (Pixels): The size of the squares in the canvas
  • Default Node Size (Pixels): The default size for the nodes (Start Node, End Node, etc.)
  • Default Swim Lane Height (Pixels): The height for the Swim Lanes. It must be between 50 and 500. It should be larger than the default Node size.

Form preferences

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Form preferences let you specify settings for various display aspects of your form, such as the default font-size, default colors, default date format, and more.

Default preferences for Group Labels | Group Element Labels | Element Sub-Labels:

Specify the default Font, Size, Text color, Background color, and Styles (Bold, Italic, Underline, Left-align, Center, and Right-align) to apply to Group labels.


Other preferences include:

  • Show Sub-Labels by default (true/false): Whether or not to show sub-labels by default.
  • Default Date Format: Click to change the default date format.
  • Default Number Format: Click to change the default number format.

Disabling Multi-view updates

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When you make changes to a form with more than 1 view, (for example, 1 view for the person submitting the form, and a different view for the person approving the form), you will be prompted to whether to apply the change(s) to all views or only the current one.

However, you can change this behavior by selecting one or more of the following settings:

  • On Element Creation: When a new element is added to the form, it will not be automatically added to all form views.
  • On Property Changes: When group or element properties are changed, the changes will not automatically be applied to all form views.
  • On Element Deletion: Deleting an element from one view will not automatically delete it from all other views.
  • On Formatting Changes: Formatting changes will only be applied to the currently edited view.

Remove binding name locks on label changes

If an Input Field Name is manually changed, the automatic update property for the element will be disabled for that element. You can re-enable the auto-update behavior by clicking Remove Locks.

Note this will remove the lock on ALL elements in the form.

Below: The Winshuttle Composer Form Preferences Page (complete)