Applies to:

  • Winshuttle Foundation

Configuring SAP Integration Server SAP SSO with Cybersafe

Please refer the doc shared by CyberSafe when installing TrustBroker Secure Client for Server is installing Trust Broker Secure Client for Server for use with SAP NetWeaver as for ABAP.

Instructions for installing TrustBroker Secure Client v4.5 on servers with SAP NetWeaver AS for ABAP

Integrating Cybersafe with Winshuttle SAP Integration Server-Worker (64-bit)

  1. Install “CSTBscs-<Version>.Windows.x86_64” on the system where SAP Integration Server-Worker is installed.
  2. Install the TrustBroker® license key file.
  3. A license key file (cstb.lic) is provided by CyberSafe, which you need to install in order to use the TrustBroker® Secure Client for Servers product. If you don’t have this file, please contact CyberSafe and ask for your license key file.

    To install the license key file:

    • Unix/Linux: Copy the file into the /krb5/license directory
    • Windows Server 2008 and later: Copy the file to C:\ProgramData\CyberSafe\license
  4. After installation, the following environment variables are created on the server: 
    • SNC_LIB
    • SNC_LIB_2
  5. Check current SNC configuration by using “Set Snc” command.
  6. Add an ACL (Access Control List) entry for the PC where the SAP Integration Server-Worker is installed. In the SNC field, enter the fully qualified domain name for the SAP server that is configured with Cybersafe by using SNC0 transaction.
  7. Open a command prompt.
  8. Add the fully qualified domain name of the PC on which worker is running along with @domain name to Cybersafe Ktutil utility by following command.
  9. C:\>ktutil – x [Winshuttle]/[Fully Qualified name of Worker PC]@[Domain name]

    For example, if the SAP Integration Server-Worker is on a PC named SRV-EN-A12345

    Ktutil -x Winshuttle/SRV-EN-A12345.server.main.local@SERVER.MAIN.LOCAL

  10. After pressing Enter you should see the following message:
  11. Please enter credentials for <your domain> domain <default: Administrator>

  12. Enter the required credentials, and then press Enter tp finish adding the entry to the table.
  13. After the entry has been added, run the following command to verify that it has been added successfully:
  14. Ktutil –test 15

  15. Download this registry file (Winshuttle_x64.reg), and then open it with any text editor.
  16. Modify the following entry in the registry file:
  17. "Applications"="WinshuttleWorker.exe”

  18. Save the file.
  19. Double-click the Winshuttle_x64.reg file.

Integrating Cybersafe with Winshuttle SAP Integration Server-Worker (32-bit)

Follow the procedure above (Integrating Cybersafe with Winshuttle SAP Integration Server-Worker (64-bit), but replace steps 10-12 with the following:

  1. Download this registry file (Winshuttle_x86.reg), and then open it with any text editor.
  2. Modify the following entry in the registry file: "Applications"="WinshuttleWorker.exe”
  3. Save the file.
  4. Double-click the Winshuttle_x86.reg file.