Applies to:

Configuring Worker LaunchGui for Winshuttle SAP Integration Server 11x

Many of the options on this screen are very similar to those on the Winshuttle Worker configuration page.

On this page

Winshuttle Worker Launch GUI Web Configuration

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  1. Click [...] to browse to the Winshuttle Worker Launch GUI .config file. The default location for the file is:

  2. C:\Program Files\Winshuttle\Server\WorkerLaunchGui\Winshuttle.Server.ServiceWorkerLaunchGui.exe.config
  3. Click Load Configuration.

Click Apply Changes to apply any changes you make on this screen.

Winshuttle SAP Integration Server 11.x Admin Utility Worker Launch Gui configuration screen

Winshuttle Manager URL

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This field displays URL for the Winshuttle Manager. Update the URL if there is any change to the Winshuttle Manager URL.

Worker Launch GUI Capabilities

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Check a feature to enable it for that client (Transaction or Query)

  • Autorun: Run 'auto run' jobs for Transaction.
  • Web Services Sync: Run Transaction web services published in synchronous mode.
  • Web Services Async: Run Transaction web services published in asynchronous mode.

Worker Launch GUI Database

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Type: Select one of the following for the Winshuttle Server Worker Launch Gui database:

  • SQLITE: Click [...] to browse to the SQLITE database. Note: If you choose SQLITE, you can also leave this entry blank to use the default, which is <server worker installation directory>\AppData\WinshuttleWorkerLaunchGui\WinshuttleWorkerDB.
  • SQL2008: Click [...] to browse to the SQL 2008 database you wish to use.
  • SQL2012: Click [...] to browse to the SQL 2012 database you wish to use.
  • SQL2014: Click [...] to browse to the SQL 2014 database you wish to use.

Database Path / Connection String

This field displays the path to the database (if one is already configured and loaded). This displays the Connection String/Database Path for Winshuttle Worker Launch GUI database. It will be automatically populated with the value when during the installation of the Winshuttle Worker Launch GUI component.

Or, click [...]to browse to the Worker Launch GUI database.


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SNC LIb Path

If you are using X.509 or Kerberos Authentication, click [...] to browse to either the 32-bit or 64-bit version of the SNC_LIB libraries.

Note: Winshuttle Worker LaunchGUI is a 32-bit application, where as Winshuttle Worker is a 64-bit application.

Default locations for SNC_LIB libraries for Kerberos

32-bit Winshuttle product installed on 64-bit OS


Default locations for SNC_LIB libraries for X.509

32-bit Winshuttle product installed on 64-bit OS


Log4Net Section

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Use this section to define logging levels for each of the following logs. Available options are OFF, ERROR, or ALL.

  • Winshuttle Worker Developer Logs: Used to log the Winshuttle Worker Launch Gui.
  • Winshuttle Core Logs:Provides detailed error descriptions
  • Winshuttle Common Logs: Provides detailed error descriptions