Applies to:

Configuring SAP Integration Server 11x with the Server Admin Tool

The SAP Integration Server Administration Tool provides a graphical interface for making changes to the SAP Integration Server.

Use the Winshuttle SAP Integration Server 11.x Administration Tool to:

  • Configure Winshuttle Server, including Server Queue Hosts, Caching, and Winshuttle Function Module Tracing.
  • Configure Winshuttle Manager, including authentication methods, logging, and database settings.
  • Configure Winshuttle Worker / Worker Launch GUI, including logging, Transaction/Query features, Autorun Prefetch, and SNC Lib for X509/Kerberos configurations.
  • Configure RabbitMQ or add a RabbitMQ installation to an existing one to create a multi-cluster RabbitMQ environment.
  • Add or migrate databases by adding a new SQL database for Winshuttle Server or Worker, or migrating from one SQL/SQLite database to a new database.


SAP Integration Server settings are stored in configuration (.config) files. The default locations for the .config files are listed below:

  • SAP Integration Manager web.config file: C:\Program Files\Winshuttle\Server\Manager\web.config
  • SAP Integration Worker .config files
    • C:\Program Files\Winshuttle\Server\Worker\Winshuttle.Server.ServiceWorker.exe.config
    • C:\Program Files\Winshuttle\Server\WorkerLaunchGui\Winshuttle.Server.ServiceWorkerLaunchGui.exe.config

Running the utility

Right-click the Winshuttle Server Administration.exe file, and then click Run as Administrator.

Winshuttle SAP Integration Server Admin Utility Overview