Applies to:

  • Winshuttle Foundation

Managing email notifications and ordering licenses

On this page

Managing email notifications

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  1. On the menu bar, click Communications, and then click Email Notifications.
  2. Under Email Notifications, enter the following information:
    • Status: Select an email status from the following options: All (default), Unsent, or Successfully Sent.
    • To Addresses: type one or more email addresses to be used as search criteria.
    • Subject: Type the email subject line (or part of it) to be used as part of the search criteria.
    • Mail Type: Select one of the following: All (default), User Creation, License Request, or User Deletion.
    • From: Enter a start date for the search period.
    • To: Enter and end date for the search period.
  3. Click View to view search results.

Ordering licenses

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  1. On the menu bar, click Communications, and then click License Order Requests.
  2. Under License Order Requests, enter the following information:
    • License Type: Select Subscription, Perpetual, or Secure.
    • Product: Select a Winshuttle product from the list.
    • Number of Licenses: Type the number of licenses for the order.
  3. Optional: Click Add to create additional license requests within the same order.
  4. Click Send License Order.