Reporting Dashboard

Foundation v12 and later, provides access to REST APIs that expose Process, User, and Business data for NPI and other Master data processes. The information returned by the APIs can help to create different dashboards that provide information to Business and Process Owners to take better tactical and strategic decisions. These dashboards can present the following:

Process Dashboards

  • High level view of Winshuttle processes
  • Ability to drill down into specific processes

SLA Dashboards:

  • Understand what processes and steps are delayed
  • Near-Live reports to remove bottlenecks
  • Historical reports for process improvements

Usage Dashboards:

  • Track volume and processing time
  • Critical for process improvements and capacity planning exercises

Reporting Database

A separate Reporting database is created for workflow reporting, by syncing data from the live Foundation application database. You can choose any reporting tool if it supports a REST API standard for extracting data. Some examples are -

  • Power BI
  • Tableau
  • SQL Reporting Services

Reporting APIs

Foundation provides the following REST APIs to provide you with data so that you can create dashboards:

  • Assignment API
  • Form Metadata API
  • Forms Data API
  • Processes API
  • Solution Name Dimension API
  • Users API

Set up the Reporting Data Warehouse to enable the Reporting APIs.