Applies to:

  • Winshuttle Foundation

Working with Winshuttle Foundation licenses

Use the Manage Licenses page to:

  • Activate licenses
  • Review, assign and revoke licenses.
  • Edit license assignments.

On this page

Viewing Licenses

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  1. On the Foundation menu bar, click Licenses (or Manage Licenses).
  2. Under License, select the type of license you wish to view, or select All (default).
  3. Under License Type, select Perpetual, Subscription, Secure, or All.
  4. Under User and License Admins, select an Administrator for the licenses you wish to view.
  5. Under Status, select All, Expired, or Active.
  6. (Optional) Under Assignee Name, type a user name to search for a specific user.
  7. Click Search to view results.

Assigning licenses to users

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First, choose the assignment method (Automated or Manual), and then click Next.


Manual assignment

  1. Use the drop menus to select the Product, License Type, User and License Admins, and/or Status.
  2. Click Search.

Automated Assignment

  1. Under Select Product and License type, click the arrow and select a product from the menu.
  2. Under License Management, select a license to assign.
  3. Under Mapping Product Licenses, select a product license to map.
  4. Click Next.

  5. On the Users screen under Select Users, click in the field, and then select a user from the list. Click Next.

    Tip: Hold down CTRL to select multiple users.

  6. On the Modify and Assign page, select the checkbox next to the user's name to select it.
  7. Click Delete to remove the selected user.

  8. On the Summary page, click Done.

Managing Licenses

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In the Assigned to column, click Edit to change the user to which a license is assigned.

  • In the Environment Column, click Assign to change the server environment to which the licenses is assigned, and then click Save.
  • You can click Export to export the license search results to a .CSV file.

Activating a new license

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  1. On the Foundation menu bar, click Licenses, and then click Activate Licenses
  2. Next to Activation Code, enter the activation code for your license.
  3. Next to Administrator Type: select a Winshuttle License Administrator from the dropdown.
  4. Click Activate.