Applies to:

  • Winshuttle Foundation


Note: This command is unavailable in Workflow v10.9 and later.

This command deletes the form cache when Dynamic Refresh=ON for the Form Library Web part.

This command needs to be run if:

  • Changes are made to a user's permissions on a site, list, or site collection. For example, if permissions for a user are changed at a site, then this command would be run for that specific user with both the -URL and -Username parameters (see table below).
  • The workflow administrator manually changes the values for the configuration key(s) FormLibraryCacheDayLimit or FormLibraryCacheShared in the sharevis.config file. In this case, you would run the command with only the -URL parameter.

    Note: If the command is not run either when the value for any or both of the above two keys is changed or when user permissions are changed, then user may see inconsistent data in the form library Web part.


The following example deletes the form cache for the user "WSE\testuser" for the web application specified in the URL http://ServerName/.

svadm.exe –o deleteformcache –url "http://ServerName/" –username "WSE\testuser"





URL of the web application.



Login name of the user whose form cache is to be deleted.

If a specific user is not defined, the form cache for all the users will be deleted.


Note: "Apply to all extended Web Applications" is not applicable for this command.

The Delete Cache command can also be run on the Central Administration Site (under Admin Commands).