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Winshuttle Function Module 12 release notes

Winshuttle Function Module 12.0.1

Expected release: February 15, 2019

Fixed items

  • Validation and Simulation work for transaction code FBS1.
  • Users can now create document attachments for transaction code ME12.
  • Users can now update long text for transaction codes VA32 and FB02.
  • Query Data Dictionary objects can be synchronized with SAP S/4HANA 1809 when WFM is not installed.
  • Validate now works for the second row of line items.
  • Long texts for transaction code XK02 can be created on SAP EH8.
  • Long texts for transaction code MM02 can be created on SAP EHP7.
  • Long texts no longer cause a syntax error.
  • For transaction code FB01, scripts no longer validate when one of the posting keys is left blank.
  • Transaction code FB03 document attachment for GOS now may be used with the subfield “Document type SAEOBJART.”


Winshuttle Function Module 12.0

New features and improvements

  • Support for S4/HANA-1809.
  • Consolidated multi-line messages into single line during Material extension (improved readability).
  • Added Winshuttle Memory Management to avoid system runtime errors during large Query execution.
  • Added Winshuttle Memory Management to avoid system runtime errors during Transaction Run feature.
  • File attachment can now be performed for all finance-related create transaction codes (e.g. FB50, FB75, FBS1 etc.) and MM01/ML81/ML81N.
  • Enabled where criteria on Right Tables with Left Outer Join.
  • WFM Add-on can now be uninstalled (without deletion of transport files) for all SAP releases above 700.
  • Long Text support added for 18 additional t-codes (IE02, IL02, IP02, AS02, KS02, ME12, VA42, MM42, VA12, VA32, VA22, ME32K, VD02, FD02, VF02, IW32, IW22, CV02N).
  • Functionality to provide GOS Document Type (SAEOBJART) of OAC2 transaction code at script level (Attachment mode GOS only).
  • Additional information gathering in SAP Traces.
  • Document Attachment Support added for transaction code CJ02.
  • Purchase Requisition Number addition in Studio Logs after ME51N run.
  • Performance Improvement in Multitable Query Execution.
  • Support of Validation/Simulation for more than 10,000 line items.
  • Removal of 65,536-character length limitation in Query execution through WFM.
  • Functionality to update Sales Data and Tax Classification from the same script using Customer RFM /WINSHTLQ/TRN_FUNC_CUSTOMER.