Bugs fixed
Bugs fixed
WFM 10.7 Hotfix 2
- Fixed an issue that was causing an error when using lists of values (LOVs) from SAP in customized templates.
- Long text after SAP upgrade is now supported for VA01 and VA02.
WFM 10.7 Hotfix 1 (SAP ECC6 BASIS Release 70X-731-740 only)
For 10.7 WFM for SAP ECC6 BASIS Release 70X-731-740: Included the program to remove the old Transaction FM.
WFM 10.7
- Fixed a problem in which Query execution was giving an error when running or previewing a run because of the SAP data type, which was defined with an output length less than the actual data length.
- Fixed a problem with Query picking up only the first row as the criteria from the Excel file in queries that were created with an LDB and used the IN operator.
- Fixed a problem with running the Query in background.
WFM 10.6
- Fixed a problem in which Query was giving an error with alias tables that were joined and selection criteria was applied to some specific fields of the alias table.
- Fixed the error WFM was sending on large queries for number of entries, due to open SQL database limit.
- Fixed the problem in which Dats-Int4 join triggered the error No data available on Run, even though No. of entries showed records.
- Fixed the issue that was giving the 'Error occured in getting the metadata from Infoset error when trying to create an InfoSet Query'.
- Fixed the problem of launching Query in SAP APO causing a short dump: Syntax error in program "/WINSHTLQ/SAPLQREFUGR.
- Removed the authorization check for S_ADMI_FCD.
- Fixed the increased run time that was caused by an additional return messaging detail extraction, which was added in previous version (10.5).