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Using the QUERY Add-In for Microsoft Excel

QUERY provides an add-in for Excel called the QUERY add-in. You can use the QUERY add-in to run existing queries or update the mapping of existing queries, but not to edit or create them. A query can be run from Excel if it is published to any Excel file or template from QUERY client. If TRANSACTION is also installed on your computer along with QUERY, you can use the QUERY add-in to query the data, edit it, and upload data back to SAP using TRANSACTION.

When QUERY is installed, the add-in is automatically installed in Excel.

To view the QUERY add-in in Microsoft Office Excel 2007 or Excel 2010

To view the QUERY add-in in Microsoft Excel 2003

QUERY add-in settings

The default values for run settings are the same as in the query file. However, at run time they can be changed.

Select query file

Available only if no published file exists in the Excel file. Click Browse and select the query file to open. The file details appear automatically. You cannot type in the file path.

Published query files

Lists all queries that are published in the Excel file. Select a file to see its details.

Start Row

A required setting. If no value is entered, the start row is 2. The setting is not saved after run time in the Excel sheet or in the published query file.

Log Column or Cell

Type the Excel column where the log message has to be returned. If left blank, the log message is written to the first cell of the last column

Extract all records

Select this option if all records are to be extracted

No. of records to extract

Enter the required number of records to be extracted. This gets disabled if Extract all records option is selected. This is a required field. If you do not specify a value, the value is set to 100000.

Write Header

Adds or removes the column header to the output file.

Run reason

Enter a reason for the run. This is a run time setting and is not saved in the Excel sheet or in the published query file.


Click Run to execute the query and download the records.

Number of Entries

Click the Number of Entries link to get the number of records that will be extracted using this query.

Status bar

This bar provides the logon information. It can also be used to log off from the currently logged in system.

Running queries from the QUERY add-in for Excel

To run a query in Excel

  1. Select the query file or published file you want to run.
  2. Enter the details in the run settings.
  3. Click Run to execute the query. The records are downloaded to the Excel sheet.

    In Excel 2007, each cell can accommodate 8192 characters and in Excel 2003 each cell can accommodate 1024 characters. If a long text field that was used in the query contains characters that exceed these limits, the field must be trimmed to ensure a successful download.

Using the QUERY add-in for Excel with TRANSACTION

You can use QUERY add-in and TRANSACTION add-in together in Excel.

To download data, edit it, and upload query results from an Excel sheet

  1. Select the published query file you want to run.
  2. Enter the details in the run settings.
  3. To change the column mapping, click Change mapping. The new mapping is reflected only for this run, but is not saved in the Excel file or in the query file.
  4. Click Run to execute the query. The records are downloaded to the Excel sheet.

    Make the necessary modifications in the downloaded records.

  5. To open QUERY, click the QUERY add-in in Excel 2007 or in Excel 2003.
  6. Select an existing .TxR file that was created in the same file or template. Edit the run settings.
  7. Click Run to run the .TxR file. The changes are uploaded to SAP.

CENTRAL information

Status: The status of the query template, whether a Review, Work in Progress, or Production.

Query file status: The status of the query file, whether a Review, Work in Progress, or Production.

System usage level: The usage level assigned to the file, whether low, medium, or high.

Also in this section

Introducing QUERY

New features in Winshuttle QUERY Version 10.6/10.7

Getting started with Query

QUERY Assistance

Activating a Winshuttle license for CENTRAL


Setting preferences

QUERY Tutorial

Working with CENTRAL


Viewing logs