Previous versions
Previous versions
New features in 10.5 GA
Released February 13, 2013
- Joins between all fields are supported with the Winshuttle Function Module for QUERY.
- Before query results previews and number of entries are displayed, a warning appears if mismatched fields are included in the query.
- Winshuttle QUERY is compatible with Windows 8.
- Winshuttle QUERY is compatible with Microsoft Office 2013.
- Winshuttle CENTRAL is compatible with Microsoft SharePoint 2013. Note: SharePoint 2013 works only with Winshuttle version 10.5 products.
- The Winshuttle RUNNER add-in works in Microsoft Excel 2013.
- Winshuttle QUERY is compatible with SAP GUI 7.30.
- A Stop button is now available to stop auto join processes when no joins are found.
- Documentation for Winshuttle products is available in the product as web help. PDF documents are no longer available.
- Query results can be previewed, but only when Adaptive Query Throttling is enabled. (Hotfix 10.4.1)
- Number of entries can be viewed, but only when Adaptive Query Throttling is enabled. Note that the results may vary from those of a SQL run when Adaptive Query Throttling is disabled. (Hotfix 10.4.1)
In version 10.5
- All multi table scripts with criteria send SQL Lite exception on NON FM server W4I
- Multi table query sends TIMEOUT when Extract All + EAQT both are checked combination in WFM 10.4 GA on W4Q
- XML run for fields with negative Values results in a minus sign getting displayed after the value (With FM run only)
- Excel Expression doesn't work after first run when using append data to result file
- Sends exception on run in WFM when LANG and DECIMAL data type fields are joined
- Sends exception on run in WFM when Decimal and String data type fields are joined
- Invalid select statement encountered in QUERY linked script
- WFM trace functionality support on Server
Bugs fixed in version Winshuttle Function Module 10.4 Hotfix 1
- Query results can be previewed, but only when Adaptive Query Throttling is enabled.
- Number of entries can be viewed, but only when Adaptive Query Throttling is enabled. Note that the results may vary from those of a SQL run when Adaptive Query Throttling is disabled.
10.4 GA
- Multitable joins without Winshuttle Function Module (WFM)
- Left Outer Joins support on non-WFM system
- Alias table support on non-WFM system
- Single field sorting for XML & SharePoint output destination
- Ability to dynamically generate output filename
- New scheduler component integration
- Improvement in “Run as Background on SAP” for multitable query
- Option to Run as Background available on Run Screen
- Chunking limitation is removed
- Allow JOINS between mismatched fields
- Query Auto-Table identifier
- Ability to re-order the selection criteria pane
- Add tables directly to QB without searching
- Allowed extraction of Long Text fields
Version 10.4 GA
- Mandatory fields input in Run-Time-Variables input form
- Added a new parameter for Query Developer Proficiency Level: “Allow manual Join creation between mismatched fields”Version 10.4 GA
- Mandatory fields input in Run-Time-Variables input form
- Added a new parameter for Query Developer Proficiency Level: “Allow manual Join creation between mismatched fields”
Bugs Fixed
- On non-Winshuttle Function Module instances of server W4I, all multitable scripts with criteria send a SQLite exception.
- Multitable query sends TIMEOUT when Extract All + EAQT both are checked combination in WFM 10.4 GA on W4Q.
- In deployments with the Winshuttle Function Module, an XML run for fields with negative Values displays a minus sign after the value.
- When using Append data to result file setting, Excel expressions don't work after the first run.
- When a query is run in Winshuttle Function Module, an exception is sent if the LANG and DECIMAL data type fields are joined.
- When a query is run in Winshuttle Function Module, an exception is sent if Decimal and String data type fields are joined.
- Invalid select statement encountered in QUERY linked script.
Added in Version 10.3
- Support for run-time variables for all linked QUERY scripts in a chain.
- When calling a query-as-a-service:
- A method is implemented that returns the number of entries.
- A parameter in the query input is added that limits the number of records returned.
- Ability to abort a running QUERY script execution.
- On aborting a QUERY, the process is also killed on the SAP side and lingering chunks are removed.
- Users have the option to apply padding or leading zeros.
- SharePoint lists are added to the available output destinations for SAP data.
- For multiple-table QUERY scripts, the WFM can process the RFC in the background.
Bugs fixed
QUERY and RUNNER in version 10.3
- Improvement to manage multi-table query execution on SAP version 4.7 to fix issue related to GENERATE_SUBPOOL_DIR_FULL
- SSO works with QUERY as a Service.
- Query Caching for Web Services – in Web Service Designer you can specify to cache a particular query either in memory or in a database. Subsequent requests to the Winshuttle Server will return results from the cache.
- Support for Query autopost using Windows username and password (SSO) for 32-bit/64-bit computers.
- Support for using Windows username and password (SSO) for consuming web services.
- Support for passing SAP Credentials Object as a part of autopost call for Query.
- The Web Service Autopost API in CENTRAL for Query has been exposed.
- New site preference to allow users to manage String Padding of criteria. The default value will be false.
Added in Version 10.2
- Link Script setting has been introduced to automatically launch and execute another QUERY script in sequence a current QUERY script has finished running.
- QUERY Log Viewer will display execution logs for jobs with two additional fields Output fields and Selection fields. Failed jobs will appear in Red.
- Proper Warning message is shown when Exchange Server information is Wrong to send an E-mail for Scheduler
- Dutch and Spanish locales are now supported
- QUERY can be scheduled on Winshuttle Server
- Separate installers available for machines with MS Office 32 bit and 64 bit.
- You can now record the Transaction Codes in QUERY to capture Tables and the fields that are being modified. A category has been provided in the Data Dictionary, called Recorded Transactions
- Left outer joins for SAP tables are now supported.
- Search in SAP Data Dictionary - to bring back the Table Descriptions. When searching for SAP tables using wild cards or by field name, users will be able to see the table text description.
- Auto Joins are improved and default join is now provided between Primary key & Index Key.
- An option is provided to restrict query to be published as a web service.
- Orphan Chunk records in SAP from terminated chunking queries are now cleared automatically
- Custom Security Check is incorporated in WFM (Winshuttle Functional Module) where a customer can add custom code with custom authorization check for security check.
- You can restrict access to SAP tables for users through Winshuttle CENTRAL Administration.
- Function module "SXMS_TIMEDIFF_SEC" not found message when attempting table joins, can’t find SAP tables, Admin Defaults not retained.
- On Autoposting a large query file the SERVER usage climbs upto 90%
- Unable to read and write to same excel file
- Custom Tables not displaying in 10.1 in different SAP version environments
- Localization Support – French, German, Spanish and Dutch for SharePoint 2007 & 2010
- Central License Administrator can delete the Expired License
- Published Web Services will be visible to all Users with delete permissions to only self-owned services. Site Collection Admin can delete all the published Web Services
- Configurable Email Templates
- NINTEX Activity for Autopost on SharePoint 2007 & 2010
- 32 bit and 64 bit Installer for Winshuttle Server
- Ability to pass Windows User Name and Password to use SSO in case of SAP
- Variable target URL in published web services.
- Support for Load Balancer for Winshuttle Server
- Support for UTF character in Web Service Name
- Run later (Server) for Excel/SQL destination type QUERY scripts
- QUERY policies for Restricted Table access
- Linked QUERY Support in CENTRAL
- Scheduling a query script on SERVER via Add-In
- Run with SAP credentials for QUERY web services.
Added in Version 10.1
- Support for MS Office 2010
- The number of tables you can join in your query has been increased from 9 to 25
- The number of WHERE clause values which can be used in a QUERY has been increased
- Tables used in the QUERY to be listed in the log viewer
- New comprehensive list of T-codes and their related tables have been added
- User will be notified whenever query output is filtered as per user authorizations
- Infoset/SAP Queries security – User can now run only those Infosets/SAP Queries which are associated with the user group he belongs to
- Unable to run SQL query using SSO logon
- Log Viewer displays log of only one query when two queries are run simultaneously
- Unable to query tables starting with "/"
- Incorrect SAP details should not allow user to go ahead in query schedule wizard
- Unable to run SQL queries on CRM (when router string is used)
- An error occurs after generating support shuttle file
- Log records not written for unsuccessful scheduled Runs on sqlSHUTTLE using SSO logon
- Default table joining doesn’t happen with alias table when base table is deleted and then added
Added in Version 10
Note: In version 10.0 querySHUTTLE is rebranded as Winshuttle QUERY and xSHUTTLE as Winshuttle RUNNER for QUERY.
- Queries can be created using 2 new data sources
- Infosets
- Logical databases
- Even the SAP queries predefined on SAP servers can be run using Winshuttle QUERY
- Renovated criteria builder pane for better usability experience
- Enhanced QUERY performance with optimization in both QUERY and Winshuttle function module (WFM)
- Usage of Microsoft Excel formulae in mapping stage to transform data before downloading
- Support for queries of lengths more than 4000 chars with maximum limit of 65536 chars
- Ability to run Queries using Excel macros
- Advanced encryption standard AES-128 mode used for ALF encryption
- All admin restrictions will be shown to users while creating a query
- Ability to delete user specified tables of the local data dictionary
- Size of application window can now be changed
- New application option to get the debug information for quick problem resolution
- Limit of 250 records for evaluation license not respected while downloading records in case of command prompt
- Adding any Table to favorite’s category — the table description is always truncated
- Incorrect Query Manager Search
- Combination of Write Headers option with "Append data" or "Overwrite Data" doesn't write the headers in the result file
- In QM Search, it is impossible to search a query without entering wildcards with table / field name criteria
- In excel add-in all fields are clickable (working) during the run process (Extraction and writing of data).
- Excessive flickering of screens
- Time out setting – least of values set on WFM or client to be respected