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Introduction: Mapping the data source to the recording

  1. To begin mapping fields, in the TRANSACTION Map panel, click Create Mapping.

    At the top of the Mapping screen are all the SAP fields that were touched during the recording. At the bottom of the screen is a preview of the Excel worksheet or other data file.

  2. To begin, no fields are mapped and so display the red push-pin. The red push-pin indicates a fixed data value, but you can change this setting. Under Change Source Type, specify the data source type for the TRANSACTION script. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will use Excel.
  3. To map fields, drag the data from its source to its destination.

    To upload data to SAP, drag an Excel column from the Data Source Preview to the row containing the SAP field.

    To upload to SAP, drag from the data sheet to the SAP Mapper.

  4. Specify in which column you want to add the log and the validation log. The data type for log and validation log columns cannot be changed because log columns can receive only downloaded values.
  5. Not all fields may need to be uploaded. Some may be downloaded. Some fields, such as company name, may be constant, or fixed value. With the Mapping Type setting, you can specify upload, download, or fixed value for a particular field.

Specifying the mapping for individual fields may help you to be more precise in mapping than dragging columns. Find the field that you want to change, and then under Mapping Type for that field, click the arrow. Click to upload or download, or fixed.

  1. Type comments in the Notes column.
  2. To undo changes, click the Edit tab. Click Undo Mapper Changes to undo individual changes sequentially. Click Undo All to remove all unsaved changes.
  3. Click Back to save the script and to save the data sheet.

Naming conventions for scripts

You can name your scripts in any way that allows you to easily recognize them. However, we suggest that you add the following to your file names:

file naming conventions


When you create a script, you can ensure that anyone who runs that script first validates the data in the accompanying data sheet before posting it. With validation included in the script, you do not need a separate validation sheet. Validation is off by default and must be turned on in the mapping screen.

Any validation errors appear in the validation log column of the data source sheet. You map the column to the row you want in the mapper.

Before you enable validation, ensure that the commit code appears only at the end of the script. If the script contains multiple commit codes, it is best practice not to enable validation.

Commit codes are used to confirm the uploading of data into SAP. If a transaction script that has validation turned on also contains more than one commit code, the script does not run. This prevents any partial upload of data.

To turn validation on or off

Undo and Undo All

Undo mapping

After selecting a particular destination type user can undo any step performed in mapping. The number of levels of undo is unlimited.

To undo mapping

You can undo all your recent mapping changes by clicking the Undo All button that is available on the Edit tab. Note that Undo All undoes only those changes that could be undone with individual clicks. To make Undo All available again, you must make a change to the file. You are prompted to ensure that you want to undo all changes.

Changes are permanently saved only when you click Save or Save As. When the file is saved, Undo and Undo All are no longer available.

Update mapping

Mapping can be changed, even after the script has been saved. On the Mapping pane, click Update mapping.

When SAP screens or fields do not appear

Sometimes values required by an SAP screen are not available from your data sheet or an SAP screen does not appear even though you have data to upload for that screen. Settings on the Properties slide-in enable the transaction to continue in these situations.

To enable a transaction to complete regardless of data or screens

Skip Screen If Not Found: Select this check box for screen fields to ensure that a transaction is completed whether the screen appears during the run or not. If a screen appears during a Transaction, the appropriate data is uploaded. If a screen is not used, the transaction continues. With this setting, one script can be used for all runs of a transaction.


Skip screen does not work for individual line items. If skip screen is inside a loop, either it applies to all line items or to none.

Skip Transaction If Empty: You can select this property for each field that requires a value in the data source. In your data sheet, you add an indicator symbol to tell TRANSACTION to skip the field, usually a backslash "\". In the Advanced Run Options slide-in, you turn on the functionality by specifying the indicator symbol and selecting the check box. For more information, see Advanced Run Options in the TRANSACTION Advanced User Guide.

Also in this section

Introduction: The review process

Introduction: Running the recording