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Running TRANSACTION at the command line

TRANSACTION and the command line

When you run a TRANSACTION script from the Command Line, you can pass any number of TRANSACTION Script commands as parameters. See the TRANSACTION Script Command Reference for a complete description of the TRANSACTION Script Command set.

When you enter TRANSACTION Script commands, separate each command using a comma as the delimiter. The order in which you include these commands is not significant. If the TRANSACTION Script command you specified does not exist in the TRANSACTION script you are using, the command is added at run-time.


"C:\Program Files\Winshuttle\Transaction\TxShuttle.exe" C:\MyDocuments\TRANSACTION\Sample.Txr,+DB5000,+SR4,+SA3

In this example, TRANSACTION runs, opens Sample.txr, reads the file, and then replaces or adds these SHUTTLEScript commands to the file:

+DB5000 adds a delay before logon for 5000 milliseconds (ignores +DB command in the TRANSACTION script if present).

+SR4 starts from row 4 (ignores the Start Row specified in the TRANSACTION script).

+SA3 stops after three transactions (ignores the End Row specified in the TRANSACTION script).

After modifying the TRANSACTION script with the new parameters, TRANSACTION runs the recording.

In addition:

The TRANSACTION Evaluation version might not support this feature.

Running a TRANSACTION script from the Command Line

You can run a TRANSACTION script from the command line using this syntax:

"TxShuttle.exe full path" <TRANSACTION script name with full path>, [TRANSACTIONScriptCommands - Optional]

NOTE: This command requires the "TxShuttle.exe full path" to be enclosed in double quotes. In addition, ensure that there is a single space between "Transaction.exe full path" and TRANSACTION script name with full path.

For example, suppose you want to execute SampleTxR in the default location at C:\MyDocuments\TRANSACTION\. In this case, the command line syntax is:

"C:\Program Files\Winshuttle\TRANSACTION\TxShuttle.exe" C:\MyDocuments\TRANSACTION\Sample.txr

This command launches TRANSACTION with the Sample.txr loaded and starts executing the TRANSACTION script. You can test this command line operation by running this command in the Windows Run dialog box.

Also in this section

TRANSACTION Script Command Reference