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Introduction: Publishing a data sheet with an embedded script

Most often, scripts are created to be distributed with a data sheet that is a template that users will copy, fill in, and then run in a run-time only Winshuttle product called RUNNER.

Bind script

You can bind a script to a data sheet to ensure that the script is run only with that data template.

To embed a script in a data sheet

  1. On the Run pane, on the selection bar, click Publish script.

    The Publish dialog box appears.

  2. You can click the folder icon on the right to browse to the TRANSACTION script folder you want to use. You can also type the file path to the Excel template.
  3. Enter the Sheet Name to which the TRANSACTION script will be published.
  4. Select whether you want to bind the TRANSACTION script to the sheet it is being published to. If you check this option, you can run your embedded script only with the sheet it is bound to.
  5. Enter a short description of the TRANSACTION script that describes the purpose or use of the file.

    The current TRANSACTION script is exported to the Excel template you select.

Also in this section

Record, map, run

Logging on to SAP

Introduction: Record the Business Process

Introduction: Mapping the data source to the recording

Introduction: Creating loops

Introduction: Running the recording

Working with Winshuttle Connect