Custom View

This SQL View is created individually for each solution. It provides information for all data items in the solution - including the solution fields.

In this view, a column is created for each user-defined solution field.

The name of the view is created dynamically. For example: RPT_SoLib1_EVO_RIS_LIB. Here SoLib1 is SolutionName, EVO is first 3 letters of customer account name, RIS is first 3 letters of app name, and LIB is first 3 letters of library name.

Back to Reporting SQL Views.

Field Name DB Type Type Nullable Description
AppId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 ID of App to which Data file belongs.
DataFileID uniqueidentifier Guid 0 ID of the data file.
State smallint Int16 0 State of data file. Enabled = 0, Disabled =1, Deleted = 2
ScriptVersion smallint Int16 0 Version of solution to which the data file belongs.
LibraryId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 ID of library to which the solution belongs.
Comments nvarchar String 0 Comments added while completing a task.
Description nvarchar String 0 Description added to the Excel document (data file) when submitting it from Studio.
RunReason nvarchar String 0 Reason for run.
ReviewerId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 ID of the user who reviewed the data file.
RunnerId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 ID or user selected as the Runner for the data file
SapSystemId nvarchar String 0 SAP system ID.
SapConnectionName nvarchar String 0 SAP connection name.
SapClient nvarchar String 0 SAP client.
SystemPost bit Boolean 0 Indicates if system post is enabled.
Version smallint Int16 0 version of data file
CreatedBy uniqueidentifier Guid 0 Id of the user who created the data file
CreatedDate datetime DateTime 0 Date on which data file was created
ModifiedBy uniqueidentifier Guid 0 Id of the user who modified the data file
ModifiedDate datetime DateTime 0 Date on which data file was last modified
Status smallint Int16 0 status of data file Review = 0, ReadyToRun = 1, Rejected = 2, Completed = 3, ErrorFromSAPWhilePosting = 4, ErrorsWhilePosting = 5, Error = 6, WinshuttleServerError = 7, Cancelled = 8, DataPostingRunning = 10, DataPostingSuccess = 11, DataPostingWithErrors = 12, DataPostingFailed = 13, DataPostingAborted = 14, Draft =15
Title nvarchar String 0 title of data file
SolutionId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 Id solution to which data file belong
TenantId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 tenant id
PropPromotionValues nvarchar String 0 Solution Fields data in json format.
TotalRows int Int32 0 Total number of rows posted
ErrorRows int Int32 0 number of error rows after posting
AttachmentXml nvarchar String 0 XML describing all attachments in a data file
SolutionName nvarchar String 0 Name of the solution to which data file belong
FileId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 This is internal field refer to the document data/file storage of this document. Not valid for Form’s document.
CreatedByDisplayName nvarchar String 0 display name of the user who created the data file
ModifiedByDisplayName nvarchar String 0 display name of the user who last modified the data file
SupportingDocs nvarchar String 0 comma-separated list of supporting documents
<<Solution Fields>> depends on field type in the form Depends on field type in the form 1 A column will be created in this view for each user defined solution field