Solution Reference Entities

This SQL View provides details regarding Form or Excel Solution dependencies on other types of solutions including Group, Data Connection, Reference, and Form Solutions. This view tells you where a specific solution is being used.

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Field Name DB Type Type Nullable Description
ReferenceEntitiesId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 Unique ID for this view/table.
TenantId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 ID of the tenant to which the object belongs.
ObjectId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 The ID of the object using the reference object/entity.
ObjectName nvarchar String 0 The name of the object using the reference object/entity.
ObjectTeamspaceId uniqueidentifier Guid 1 The app ID of the object using the reference object/entity.
ObjectStoreId uniqueidentifier Guid 1 the parent ID of the object using the reference object/entity.
RefObjectName nvarchar String 0 The name of the object being used.
RefObjectType tinyint Byte 0

The type of object being used.

Solution = 0, Connection = 1, AppGroup = 2, NameTemplate = 3, FileRepository = 4, SolutionDataSet = 5, SAPServer = 6, ExternalWebService = 7, User = 8, App = 9, DataConnectionLibrary = 10

RefObjectTeamspaceId uniqueidentifier Guid 1 The app ID of object being used.
RefObjectStoreId uniqueidentifier Guid 1 Parent id of object being used.
CreatedDate datetime DateTime 0 Created date of this reference entry.
ModifiedBy uniqueidentifier Guid 1 Modified By of this reference entry.
CreatedBy uniqueidentifier Guid 1 Created By of this reference entry.
ModifiedDate datetime DateTime 0 Modified Date of this reference entry.
RefFeatureType tinyint Byte 0 The feature type in which the object reference is used. Solution = 0, WebService = 1
AppName nvarchar String 0 Name of app where object exists.