User Login History View

This SQL View provides login history details of login history for all system users.

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Field Name DB Type Type Nullable Description
UserId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 ID of the user.
Username nvarchar String 0 The username of the user. domain\username
DisplayName nvarchar String 0 The display name of the user.
Department nvarchar String 0 The name of the department to which the user belongs.
State int Int32 0 The state of the user. Enabled = 0, Disabled =1, Deleted = 2
IsAssigned bit Boolean 1 Indicates if the license is assigned to the user.
LastLogin datetime DateTime 0 Time at which the user last logged in.
BrowserVersion nvarchar String 0 Browser version used by the user.
OsVersion nvarchar String 0 The User's OS version.
ExcelVersion nvarchar String 0 The User's Excel version.
StudioVersion nvarchar String 0 The User's Studio version.
Browser nvarchar String 0 The User's browser.
AssignedLicense nvarchar String 0

The basic details of the user's license.

Details are displayed in the following format: [Studio Developer-Perpetual]. There will be multiple entries if multiple license are assigned.

Active int Int32 1 Indicates if the user is active or not; also indicates if the user has logged in at any point.