Workflow Configuration Options
On the Options page, Global Admins can configure the Workflow options below.
And Global Admins can add, remove, and update options on the Administration site > Workflow page > Settings tab.
For each option (or "key") in the table below, you will find the following information:
- Type The type of option - string, true/false, or list.
- Description A brief description of what the option does and how it is used.
- Scope The particular solution, app, or set of apps to which the option applies.
- Default Value The original value assigned to the key.
You can use your browser's Find function (CTRL+F) oon thiss page to find options with certain keywords.
Workflow configuration options table
Key Name | Type | Description | Scope | Default Value |
AssignedMessage |
Text |
The email sent when a task is assigned. |
Global |
<p>$EmailTemplate.AssignmentMessage</p>" |
AssignmentCompletionButtons |
Comma-separated list |
Description of which buttons to show when completing an assignment. |
Solution |
All |
AttachmentControlValidationRegExp |
Standard | Custom |
The regular expression to use with custom Attachment Control validation. Defaults to ^([a-zA-Z0-9_ ]+\\.?)+$ This key works in conjunction with the AttachmentControlValidationType key. |
Solution |
^([a-zA-Z0-9_ ]+\.?)+$ |
AttachmentControlValidationType |
Standard | Custom |
The way the form Attachment Control validation should behave. Standard behavior searches the file name for known characters which are not allowed, and then presents an error if a file name contains those characters. Custom behavior retrieves a regular expression from the AttachmentControlValidationRegExp key, and if that regular expression does not match the file name, presents an error to the end user. The TYPE must be specified in lower case, i.e., “standard” or “custom”. This key works in conjunction with the AttachmentControlValidationRegExp key. |
Solution |
Standard |
AutoDeleteBlankRepeatingFormAreas |
True | False |
Within forms, indicates whether or not to automatically delete blank rows in repeating tables and sections. |
Solution |
False |
AutoRunRetries |
Number |
If an error occurs during AutoRun, this key defines the number of retries which will be executed. |
Global |
3 |
AutoRunRetryMinutes |
Number |
This key defines the number of minutes between retries. |
Global |
30 |
AutoSaveInterval |
Integer |
The number of minutes to wait before automatically saving the contents of a form in the background. |
Solution |
Empty. Feature is off. |
BusinessCalendar |
True | False |
If true, the system will consider holiday keys and weekends when calculating due dates. If false, the system will do a straight calendar-based calculation (without considering holiday keys and weekends). |
Global |
True |
ButtonLabelApprove |
Text |
The label to use for the Approve button. |
Solution |
Empty |
ButtonLabelCancel |
Text |
The label to use for the Cancel button. |
Solution |
Empty |
ButtonLabelContinue |
Text |
The label to use for the Continue button. |
Solution |
Empty |
ButtonLabelReject |
Text |
The label to use for the Reject button. |
Solution |
Empty |
ButtonLabelRoute |
Text |
The label to use for the Save and Route button. |
Solution |
Empty |
ButtonLabelSave |
Text |
The label to use for the Save button. |
Solution |
Empty |
CancelEnabled |
True | False |
Indicates whether or not the Cancel option is available for originators who are not admins. |
Solution |
True |
CancelMessage |
Text |
The email message sent when a process is canceled either by an administrator or by the process originator. |
Solution |
Your submission was cancelled. [$Process.Comment] Process Name: [$ Process.Name ] Item Title: [Title] |
CancellationMessage |
Text |
The email message that is sent to task's assignee when a process is canceled/force approved/force rejected by an administrator or the originator. |
Global |
<p>$EmailTemplate.AssignmentCancel</p> |
Cc |
Semicolon-delimited list of email addresses to copy |
A list of email addresses to copy anytime emails are sent. |
Solution |
Empty |
ColorWarningThreshold |
Integer |
This number tells the system when the color should be set to the warning color in the Task List. It works with the ColorWarningThresholdUnits key. |
Global |
30 |
ColorWarningThresholdUnits |
Days|Hours |
The units used by the ColorWarningThreshold key. It has 3 values: days, hours and percentage. Percentage means that when a specified percentage of time remains in the assignment, the assignment is considered close to being due. |
Global |
Percentage |
ComplianceCheck |
The compliance check ensures that an originator is unable to approve their own tasks (unless dictated by the workflow solution design). |
DelimitedCommentFilterRegex |
Text |
This key is used to remove HTML content that is displayed in the Show Form (Process History) after using EMailApprovalType as delimited eg. DelimitedCommentFilterRegex- <.*?> This is applicable to email approval cases. |
Global |
Empty |
EMailApprovalApproveSubject |
Text |
The template for the email subject in approval messages with the approved disposition. |
Solution |
Approved: [$ ProcessDefinition.Name ] - [$ Activity.Name ] |
EMailApprovalBody |
Text |
The body to use when composing an email to send back for approval during email approvals. |
Global |
%0AEnter your comment between the quotes: |
EMailApprovalBoundaryRegExp |
Text |
A regular expression to use in searching for the boundary in an email approval reply-type email. Everything following this expression should be ignored in the comment placed into the workflow. This works with the XML escape character sequence. |
Global |
[-]+original message[-]+ |
EMailApprovalCompleteSubject |
Text |
The template for the email subject in an approval message with a completed disposition. Works in conjunction with EMailApprovalReceipt=True. |
Solution |
Completed: [$ ProcessDefinition.Name ] - [$ Activity.Name ] |
EmailApprovalIgnoreIncludeItem |
True | False |
Specifies whether the “ Include Item” designation is ignored when sending email with an attachment. |
Solution |
True |
EMailApprovalReceipt |
True | False |
Indicates whether or not to send a receipt email after an email approval submission. |
Global |
False |
EMailApprovalRegExp |
Text |
The regular expression to use when parsing the return message for email approvals. This regular expression should extract the comment for the assignment as the first group. |
Global |
Enter your comment between the quotes: (.*) |
EMailApprovalRegExpGroups |
0 | 1 |
Describes which regular expression group indexes to use when searching for a comment from an email approval. The first non-empty string will be used as the comment. Used with EMailApprovalRegExp. |
Global |
1 |
EMailApprovalRejectSubject |
Text |
The template for the email subject in an approval message with a rejected disposition. |
Solution |
Rejected: [$ ProcessDefinition.Name ] - [$ Activity.Name ] |
EMailApprovalSubjectRegExp |
Text |
The regular expression to use when parsing the return message subject for email approvals. This regular expression should extract the identifying keys for the assignment as the first group. |
Global |
Empty |
EMailApprovalSubjectRegExpGroups |
Comma-separated integers |
Describes which regular expression group indexes to use when searching for the identifying keys in the subject of an email approval. The first non-empty string will be used as the key string. Used with EMailApprovalSubjectRegExp. |
Global |
1 |
EMailApprovalType |
Text |
The type of message sent back to the handler. Can be plaintext, delimited, or regexp. Used with DelimitedCommentFilterRegex. |
Global |
Plain text |
EMailAssignmentSubject |
Text |
The template for the email subject in an assignment message. |
Solution |
Assignment: [$ ProcessDefinition.Name ] - [$ Process.Name ] : [$ Activity.Name ] |
EmailCancellationSubject |
Text |
This option defines the subject of the email notification that is sent when a process is canceled. |
Global |
Assignment Cancelled: [$ ProcessDefinition.Name ] - [$ Process.Name ] : [$ Activity.Name ] |
EMailDispositionDescription |
Text |
The description to use in the email disposition section of an assignment email - where a participant receives the assignment task. Used with EMailDispositionTitle. |
Global |
Empty |
EMailDispositionTitle |
Text |
Used with email approval, this is the title to use in the email disposition section of a notification email. Used with EMailDispositionDescription. |
Global |
Empty |
EMailExceptionSubject |
Text |
The template for the email subject in an exception message. This subject is used in email when a process is blocked. |
Solution |
Process Exception: [$ ProcessDefinition.Name ] - [$ Activity.Name ] Process Name: [$ Process.Name ] |
EMailNotificationStyles |
Text |
Styles to embed in the notification emails. These styles can be referred to in the body of the email. |
Solution |
Empty |
EMailNotificationSubject |
Text |
The template for the email subject in a notification message. |
Solution |
Assignment: [$ ProcessDefinition.Name ] - [$ Process.Name ] : [$ Activity.Name ] |
EMailPastDueSubject |
Text |
The template for the email subject in a past due message. |
Solution |
Assignment Past Due: [$ ProcessDefinition.Name ] - [$ Activity.Name ] |
EMailReminderSubject |
Text |
The template for the email subject in a reminder message. Used with ReminderMessage. |
Solution |
Assignment Reminder: [$ ProcessDefinition.Name ] - [$ Activity.Name ] |
EnableBlackbirdLogs |
True | False |
Indicates whether to generate a form debug logs (run-time). Enabled by default. To view the form log, press keys Ctrl + F12. |
Global |
True |
EnableExtensionsAPI |
True | False |
This key is not visible on the UI by default. If the value is set to True, the process extensions feature is enabled. |
Global |
False |
EnableDataCorrectionLoopBackSingle |
True | False |
Enables the creation of a Data Correction task for data files with a single script. |
Global |
True |
EnableDataCorrectionLoopBackLinked |
True | False |
Enables the creation of a Data Correction task for data files with a linked script. |
Global |
T rue |
FileLibraryBlockedFileTypes |
Text |
Comma-separated values (extensions) not allowed for upload in a file library. |
Global |
exe, dll, js, svc, soap, asmx, ashx |
FiscalYearStart |
Number, >= 1 and <= 12 |
The month in which the fiscal year begins (a number between 1 and 12). This is used by the Quarter component of the Name Template Generator. By default it assigns a value starting at 01. |
App |
01 |
ForcedApprovalMessage |
Text |
The email message sent when an item is force approved by an administrator. |
Global |
<p>$EmailTemplate.ForceApprove</p> |
ForceRejectionMessage |
Text |
The email message that is sent when an item is force rejected by an administrator. |
Global |
<p>$EmailTemplate.ForceReject</p> |
FormCopyEnabled |
True | False |
Indicates whether or not to allow a user to copy a form. |
Solution |
True |
FormDefaultButtons |
True | False | Comma-separated list of views |
Whether or not to display the default buttons at the bottom of a form. If a list of views is displayed, only those views will contain the buttons in a form. Notes:When using Solution Designer, the predefined views have different internal names. In this key, you need to use the internal name (see below). For user-defined views, use the name as-is. Solution Designer Name: Internal Name Originator View: ShareVisPreProcessView ReSubmit View: ShareVisResubmitView Process Status View: ShareVisProcessStatusView Process Completed View: ShareVisPostProcessView |
Solution |
T rue |
FormReturnPage |
String |
The URL of the page to return to after submitting or canceling a form. |
Solution |
Empty |
FormReplace |
Text |
The sequenced set of strings to replace when a search string is located. See FormSearch. |
Solution |
Empty |
FormSearch |
Text |
The sequenced set of strings to search for when expanding a form definition. See FormReplace. |
Solution |
Empty |
Holiday |
Text (date) |
Holiday keys are hidden keys but they can be manually created and configured so that when a due date for a task is calculated, the specified holiday (date) will be factored into the calculation. Holiday keys are respected only if the BusinessCalendar configuration key value is set to True. You can create and define more than one holiday key, but the keys must be created and numbered sequentially (for example, Holiday0, Holiday1, Holiday2,...) in order for all keys to be calculated. If a number is missing (for example, you have the following 3 keys: Holiday1, Holiday2, and Holiday4), Holiday4 will not be calculated because Holiday3 is missing. Holiday keys must be specified with the date format yyyy-mm-dd. |
Global |
Empty |
IncludeImplicitlyCompletedHistoryItems |
True | False |
Indicates whether or not to include assignments that are implicitly approved by either default approval periods or because of team assignment settings. |
Solution |
True |
IncludeNotificationHistory |
True | False |
Indicates whether or not notifications are displayed in the workflow history. |
Solution |
False |
IncludePluginHistory |
True | False |
Indicates whether or not information about the plug-ins is included in the workflow history. The history of the plug-ins below will always be displayed in the process history, irrespective of the setting of this key.
Solution |
False |
JavaScript Include |
Comma-separated list of paths to JavaScript |
The paths of JavaScript files to include in forms. The value of this key is represented by a comma-separated list of JavaScript paths. |
Solution |
Empty |
OptimizeXmlProcessing | True | False | When set to True, the conversion from FormXml to JSON will be done through a different mechanism which is more optimized for such conversions. It may have positive impact on time taken during Form Launch. For fresh installations this key will be auto set to True at Global level. | Solution | False |
OutOfOfficeDelegationDuration |
Integer |
Specifies the maximum duration (in calendar days) for an Out of Office Delegation. The default value is -1, which indicates there is no limit on the maximum duration. Note that this key is respected while setting up an Out of Office Delegation. If a selected duration for an Out of Office Delegation is more than the duration specified in this key, a warning/error is displayed. |
Global |
-1 |
PrinterFriendlyMenuEnabled |
True | False |
Indicates whether or not to show the printer menu options. |
Solution |
True |
ProcessControlXsl | Text | The path of the Xsl file used in generating the Process Control markup in a form displaying the status of the form. This path belongs to the server machine where Evolve is installed. And this file must be accessible to the Evolve site application pool account. | Global | Empty |
ProcessOwner |
Log-in identifier |
The person designated as the process owner for a given list. This should be in the form DOMAIN\USERNAME. |
Solution |
Empty |
PromptOnReject |
True | False |
Indicates whether or not to prompt the user when the Reject button is clicked. This key is applicable only for forms. |
Solution |
False |
ReminderMessage |
Text |
The message sent when an assignment has reached its due date. |
Global |
<p>$EmailTemplate.AssignmentReminder</p> |
SAPFieldLookupRecordsLimit |
Integer |
The maximum number of records to be retrieved from SAP. The default returns are 500 records, but the user can configure the number. This key is bound to the SAPFieldLookup control. Works with WebServicePageLookupRecordsLimit |
Solution |
500 |
SortProcessHistoryByCompletionDate |
True | False |
If set to true, the history of various activities of a process will be shown, sorted on the basis of the activities' completion dates. In addition, if multiple processes are found in the history, they will be sorted in the same manner. |
Solution |
False |
StandardWorkflowProcessDueDays |
Text |
The default due date of a Standard Workflow process in the following format: timespan D.hh:mm:ss i.e. 30.00:00:00 |
Global |
30.00:00:00 |
StandardWorkflowTaskDueDays |
Text |
The default due date for all tasks of a Standard Workflow in the following format: timespan D.hh:mm:ss i.e. 30.00:00:00 |
Global |
30.00:00:00 |
TeamAssignmentListBoxHeight |
Integer |
The height of the list box in a team assignment page. |
Global |
5 |
ValidateListItemOwner |
True | False |
Indicates whether to validate that a user starting, saving, or deleting a saved item is the creator/originator of that item. |
Solution |
False |
ValidateOnReject |
True | False |
Indicates whether to validate form controls when a form is rejected. |
Solution |
True |
WebServiceProxyTimeout |
String |
This key changes the timeout value of a web service. The default value is 500,000 milliseconds. Note: This key is added in the following versions of Foundation: 10.4 Hotfix 9, 10.5 Hotfix 6 and 10.6 onward. |
Global |
500000 |
WorkflowReplace |
String |
The sequenced set of strings to replace when a search string is located. See WorkflowSearch. Indexed type key. |
Solution |
Empty |
WorkflowSearch |
String |
The sequenced set of strings to search for when publishing a workflow. See WorkflowReplace. Indexed type key. |
Solution |
Empty |