Reasons to Use SQL to Access the Snapshot Tables

There are several reasons you might want to use SQL to access the Empower Snapshot Table Views directly, instead of using EnterWorks’s UI, file generation capabilities, or the REST API:

  • Performance : Accessing a database through its management tool is typically faster than getting the data through EnterWorks. It also doesn’t impact EnterWorks’s processing rate for other jobs. However, this may not be true, depending on the type of queries being made, the number of rows being processed, and if indexes are being used efficiently.
  • Simplicity : Accessing the snapshot table directly may be easier than having EnterWorks generate files that you later need to process to get to the data.
  • Ease of use : SQL queries allow you to pull data from multiple tables at once.
  • Familiar Tools : You may already have a 3rd-party application that you use to query your databases.