Add a Profile Attribute

To add a profile attribute, click the Add button in the Attributes Page’s Activity Bar. A new attribute will be created. Edit the attribute as described in Edit Profile Attributes.

Edit a Profile Attribute

There are two ways to edit a profile attribute:

  • Inline editing on the Attributes page.
  • Using the Edit button on the Activity Bar to open an attribute in the Manage Attribute window.

To edit an attribute inline, double-click the field you wish to edit. Depending on the type of field being edited, you will either get a dropdown list that lets you choose a value or you will be able to enter the value. Some fields cannot be edited inline; they are only editable in the Manage Attribute window.

Inline Editing Profile Attribute Configuration Fields: Note Multi-Language Icon

To edit an attribute in a Manage Attribute window, select an attribute and click the Edit button on the Attribute Page’s Activity Bar. The attribute will be opened in a Manage Attribute window.

Manage Attribute Window

Only the standard set of configuration fields will appear in the Manage Attribute window. Any profile properties can only be edited inline (see Manage Profile Properties).

For details on the configuration fields available for attributes, see Profile Attribute Configuration Fields.

Edit the attribute configuration fields as desired. Click Apply to save the changes and exit the Manage Attribute window; click Cancel to exit the Manage Attribute window without saving.

Delete an Attribute

To delete an attribute, select the attribute and click theDelete button in the Attributes Page’s Activity Bar.