Edit an Attribute Group

Editing an attribute group in the Taxonomy Manager requires the user to be in Expert Mode, (see Expert Mode). To edit an existing Attribute Group in the Taxonomy Manager, first open in the Taxonomy Manager the taxonomy for a repository based on the profile to be edited, (see Open Taxonomy/Hierarchy in Manager.)

  1. To edit an existing Attribute Group, hover over the Attribute Group in the Category Attribute Tree. If the user has sufficient permissions, a Manage Tab icon will appear. Click the Manage Group icon. A dropdown list will appear that allows the user to:
    • Create a new Attribute Group (Add Group).
    • Edit an existing Attribute Group (Edit Group).
    • Add a new attribute (New Attribute).
    • Taxonomy Editor: Manage Attribute Group/Add Attribute

  1. Select Edit Group. An Edit Group pop-up window will appear.

    Taxonomy Editor: Edit Group

  2. Edit the Edit Group window values as desired:
    • Name: (Required) The name of the Attribute Group.
    • Description: A description of the Attribute Group.
    • Collapsed dropdown list: This value determines if the Attribute Group should be Collapsed or Expanded when initially displayed.
    • Attribute Tab dropdown list: (Required) Select the Attribute Tab in which the Attribute Group will be displayed. Note that the Attribute Group can be moved from one Attribute Tab to another by modifying the value selected in the Attribute Tab dropdown.
    • Group Type dropdown list: The type of the Attribute Group. There are three types of Group Types:
      • Attribute: For a collection of attributes.
      • Link Relationship: For displaying a linked repositories records.
      • Variant: For qualifying the Category Attributes as Variants.
  3. Click Apply to save the changes and return to the Taxonomy Manager. Click Cancel or the Close icon to return to the Taxonomy Manager without creating the new Attribute Group.
  4. After any change to the taxonomy, clear the cache and refresh displays to ensure the change has been propagated throughout the system and displays are accurately reflecting system status.