Scheduling Promotions
Staging records can be promoted manually via the UI, by the Package Promotion workflow, or automatically using the following Scheduled Promotions functionality.
Scheduled Promotions Repository
All scheduled promotions are defined in the Promotions repository. Each attribute from this repository is described in the following table.
When a scheduled promotion is activated (either manually or by schedule), the records in the designated repository are validated and promoted to Production, providing the validation requirements are met.
Note that when the repository is opened in a Repository View, the default Preference View does not show all attributes.
Attribute |
Description |
Dependent Keys |
List of keys to be passed to each dependent operation. The keys must match attribute names in the dependent repository. The corresponding value in the Dependent Values attribute is then used to set the value of the key attribute when the Job is created. The value can reference attributes from the source job by surrounding the attribute name with double-pipe characters. For example, if an export is dependent on a promotion and that export should specify the same user, the Dependent Key would be set to “Manager Login” and the value would be “||Manager Login||”. Conversely, if the same dependent Export needs to be set to the admin user regardless of its initial definition, the Dependent Key would be set to “Manager Login” and the Dependent Values set to “admin”. |
Dependent Operation |
Name of dependent Import, Export, or Promotion to be initiated upon successful completion of this job. |
Dependent Operation Immediate |
Initiate the dependent operation immediately if Yes. Otherwise the operation will be queued and processed by the scheduler. |
Dependent Operation Type |
Type of dependent operation: Promotion, Import, or Export |
Dependent Values |
Values corresponding to the Dependent Keys that are passed to the dependent operations. Values may reference attributes by surround the attribute name with double-pipe characters. For example, to reference the Import Job number, the Dependent Values might contain: “Job||Export Job||”. If Export Job in the current record is set to 1234, the resulting value will be “Job1234” |
Description |
Description for promotion. |
Group Lock Action |
Group locks allow for multiple concurrent jobs to all attach to the same lock. The lock is not freed until all processes have detached from it. Action to be taken with the lock identified in Group Lock Name:
Group Locks will always acquire the designated lock, even if another process has acquired or attached to the same lock. If multiple jobs attach to the same lock via Group Lock, the lock is not free until all of the processes have freed the lock. |
Group Lock Name |
Name of the group lock. |
Last Promotion Datetime |
Date and time of when this promotion was last initiated (scheduled or manual). |
Lock Action |
Action to be taken with the lock identified in Lock Name:
Locks will only be acquired if they are currently free. If the designated lock has been attached to by multiple jobs using the Group Lock, the lock does not become free until all of those jobs have freed the lock. |
Lock Name |
Name of the lock to acquire or free (depending upon Lock Action). If more than one promotion shares the same lock, then they will be processed serially. The name may contain references to other properties by surrounding each property name with double-pipe characters. If the referenced lock is associated with the Group Lock in other jobs, the lock will not be considered free until all the Group Lock jobs have detached from the lock. |
Manager Login |
Next Promotion Datetime |
Date and time when the promotion (if scheduled) will be launched. |
Parameter1-5 |
Five attributes that can serve as parameters when jobs are connected through the Dependent Operation attributes. They are not used directly by the export processing but can be referenced in other attributes. |
Promote Now |
Perform the promotion now if set to Yes. Processing of the promotion will reset this flag to No. |
Promote Warnings |
Promote records that have only validation warnings to Production if Yes. |
Promotion Configuration Name |
Configuration name for the promotion. Must match a named configuration in the EPIM file. |
Promotion Errors |
Detailed error messages if promotion processing failed. |
Promotion Priority |
Relative priority for each promotion (the lower the number, the higher the priority). |
Promotion Production Repository |
Name of Production repository into which records are to be promoted. |
Promotion Skip Validation |
Skips the validation step and relies on current validation status if Yes. |
Promotion Staging Repository |
Name of Staging repository from which records are to be promoted. |
Promotion Timeout (Minutes) |
Number of minutes the Promotion job will wait for the EnterWorks promotion to complete. The default is 600 (10 hrs) |
Saved Set |
Name of saved set containing items to be promoted. All items are promoted if empty. |
Schedule Days |
Identifies the days of the week if Schedule Type is Days of Week |
Schedule Exclude Dates Code Set |
If set to a code set listing dates as code values, the scheduling logic will skip to the next scheduled date if the calculated date is one of the dates in the code set. |
Schedule Period |
Number of minutes after Last Scheduled Date before the next scheduled promotion is initiated. For example, a promotion that is to be processed daily would have a schedule period of 1440. The scheduled promotions are not affected by any manually initiated promotions |
Schedule Type |
Type of schedule:
Scheduled Folder |
Logical folder in which the scheduled job is assigned for organization purposes. If set, and the Scheduled Folder hierarchy is selected in the repository list view, this import job can be found by clicking a node in the Scheduled Folder hierarchy. |
Scheduled Folder Sequence |
Used to control the order of scheduled jobs in the Scheduled Folders |
Scheduled Promotion |
Set to Yes if the promotion is to be scheduled. Each time the scheduled promotion is processed, the Next Promotion Datetime is updated based on the Schedule Period. |
Status |
Status of the Promotion
Promotion Jobs Repository
The Promotion Jobs repository contains records representing the currently active or recently completed promotion jobs. Whenever a promotion is initiated, the details for that promotion are copied from the Promotions repository. This record is subsequently updated to reflect the current status of the promotion.
Note that when the repository is opened in a Repository View, the default Preference View does not show all attributes.
In addition to the attributes define in the Promotions repository, the Promotion Jobs repository also has the following attributes:
Attribute |
Description |
# Errors |
Total number of records with errors. |
# Processed |
Total number of records processed |
# Updated |
Total number of records updated in Production |
Promotion Execution Datetime |
Date and time of when this promotion was executed. |
Promotion Job |
Unique number for this job. |
Promotion Status |
Status of promotion job
Scheduled Promotion Configuration Properties
Note that when the repository is opened in a Repository View, the default Preference View does not show all attributes.
The Scheduled Import behavior is controlled by several configuration properties:
Property |
Description |
promote.expireActiveDays |
Number of days before import jobs that still show “Processing” are deleted from the Scheduled Import Jobs repository. |
promote.expireCompletedDays |
Number of days before import jobs that have completed or failed are deleted from the Scheduled Import Jobs repository. |