EPIM Property Files


Contains the configuration settings for the EPIM component. Anytime a change is made to this file the EPIM services should be restarted.

  • WEB Server – EPIM Tomcat component in:

<...>\ Enterworks\EnableServer\tomcat\webapps\webcm\WEB-INF\classes

  • WEB Server – EPIM MASTER JBoss component in:

<...>\ Enterworks\ EnableServer\jbossMaster\standalone\configuration\conf

  • APP Server – EPIM Slave 1 JBoss component in:

<...>\ Enterworks\ EnableServer \jbossSlave1\standalone\configuration\conf

  • APP Server – EPIM Slave 2 JBoss component in:

<...>\ Enterworks\ EnableServer \jbossSlave2\standalone\configuration\conf

  • APP Server – EPIM Slave 3 JBoss component in:

<...>\ Enterworks\ EnableServer \jbossSlave3\standalone\configuration\conf

Generally, changes should only be made to this property file based on direction from a patch. The settings in these files are for location of EPIM folders, server host name, ports and database connection information. The password to the database is encrypted. Use the script in:

<...>\ Enterworks\EnableServer\bin\getEncryptedString.bat

to generate the encrypted password. Additionally, these files have customizable settings for controlling triggers, promotion configuration, UI, and publication options.


Contains configuration settings for invoking custom workflows on repository actions. Anytime a change is made to this file the EPIM services should be restarted.

  • WEB Server – EPIM Master JBoss component in:

    <...>\ Enterworks\EnableServer\jbossMaster\standalone\configuration\conf

  • APP Server – EPIM Slave 1 JBoss component in:

    <...>\ Enterworks\EnableServer\jbossSlave1\standalone\configuration\conf

  • APP Server – EPIM Slave 2 JBoss component in:

    <...>\ Enterworks\EnableServer\jbossSlave2\standalone\configuration\conf

  • APP Server – EPIM Slave 3 JBoss component in:

    <...>\ Enterworks\EnableServer\jbossSlave3\standalone\configuration\conf

Generally, changes should only be made to this property file based on direction from a patch. The settings in this file contain connection information to the database.

This file contains the EPIM product Master Tomcat service settings. Anytime a change is made to this file the EPIM services should be restarted.

  • <...>\ Enterworks\EnableServer\tomcat\bin\service.bat

Generally, changes should only be made to these property files based on direction from a patch. The files contain class paths to custom library files and log level and log file settings. The files also contain memory setting information for the JBoss JVM. Contains the EPIM product Master JBoss service settings. Anytime a change is made to these files the EPIM services should be restarted.

  • <...>\ Enterworks\EnableServer\jbossMaster\bin\service\service.bat
  • <...> \Enterworks\EnableServer\jbossSlave1\bin\service\service.bat
  • <...> \Enterworks\EnableServer\jbossSlave2\bin\service\service.bat
  • <...> \Enterworks\EnableServer\jbossSlave3\bin\service\service.bat
  • <...>\Enterworks\EnableServer\jbossMaster\bin\standalone\standalone.conf.bat
  • <...>\Enterworks\EnableServer\jbossSlave1\bin\standalone\standalone.conf.bat
  • <...>\Enterworks\EnableServer\jbossSlave2\bin\standalone\standalone.conf.bat
  • <...>\Enterworks\EnableServer\jbossSlave3\bin\standalone\standalone.conf.bat
  • <...>\Enterworks\EnableServer\jbossMaster\bin\standalone\standalone.bat
  • <...>\Enterworks\EnableServer\jbossSlave1\bin\standalone\standalone.bat
  • <...>\Enterworks\EnableServer\jbossSlave2\bin\standalone\standalone.bat
  • <...>\Enterworks\EnableServer\jbossSlave3\bin\standalone\standalone.bat


Contains configuration settings for the EnterWorks DAM and PUB component. Anytime a change is made to this file the EnterWorks IIS services should be restarted.

  • Web Server – EnterWorks web component in:

    <...>\Enterworks\ EnableWeb

Generally, changes should only be made to this property file based on direction from a patch. The settings in this file setup for location of Enable folders, EPIM connection information, server timeout and database connection information. The password to database is not encrypted.

Configure Validation Levels

The initial set-up of the number of active validation levels in the shared configuration properties file is performed as follows:

Example path:


Changing the number of validations and validation values in the sharedConfiguration.properties file:

Configure Google translate API

In order to activate the Google translate API for the Multi-Language Editor make sure the settings for the Google Translate API section in sharedConfig.properties for Tomcat all Jboss instances match the lines of code shown below. If the following section is not in the sharedConfig.properties files stop the services using the STOP ENTERWORKS shortcut script, then add them to the bottom of the sharedConfig.properties file and start the services again using the START ENTERWORKS shortcut script.


#Google Translate API





Regional Language Login Access

For users to be able to access Regional Language functionality at the login window, the following line of code allowRegionalLogin must be set to true in sharedConfig.properties for Tomcat and Jboss services.

If the lines of code shown below are not present stop the services using the STOP ENTERWORKS shortcut script, then add them to the bottom of sharedConfig.properties files and start the services again using the START ENTERWORKS shortcut script.


#Specify if ‘Regional Login’ link is available on the Login Page



sharedConfig.properties file are located in:

  • <...>\Enterworks\EnableServer\tomcat \webapps\webcm\WEB-INF\classes\sharedConfig.properties

This change must also be added to the Jboss Server(s) depending on:

  • If the setup is a single Jboss Server:


  • If the setup is a Master Jboss Server with Slaves:

    <...>\Enterworks\EnableServer\jbossMaster \standalone\configuration\conf\sharedConfig.properties

    <...>\Enterworks\EnableServer\jbossSlave1 \standalone\configuration\conf\sharedConfig.properties

    <...>\Enterworks\EnableServer\jbossSlave2 \standalone\configuration\conf\sharedConfig.properties

    <...>\Enterworks\EnableServer\jbossSlave3 \standalone\configuration\conf\sharedConfig.properties