EPX Property Files


Contains the configuration settings for the EPX component. Anytime a change is made to this file the EPX services should be restarted.

Web Server – EPX component in:

<...> \Enterworks\EPX4\DesignConsole\

Generally, changes should only be made to this property file based on direction from a patch. The settings in this file setup for location of EPX folders and server host name and ports.


Contains the configuration settings for the EPX component. Anytime a change is made to this file the EPX services should be restarted.

Web Server – EPX component in:

<...> \Enterworks\EPX4\DesignConsole\

Generally, changes should only be made to this property file based on direction from a patch. This file contains connection information to the SQL Server database. The password to database is encrypted. Use the script in:

<...> \Enterworks\EPX4\DesignConsole\getEncryptedString.bat

to get the encrypted password.

service.bat Tomcat

Contains the EPX product Tomcat service settings. Anytime a change is made to this file the EPX services should be restarted.

Web Server – EPX component in:

<...> \Enterworks\EPX4\tomcat\bin\

Generally, changes should only be made to this property file based on direction from a patch. This file contains class paths to custom library files and memory setting information for the Tomcat JVM.

service.bat JBoss

Contains the EPX product JBoss service settings. Anytime a change is made to this file the EPX services should be restarted.

Web Server – EPX component in:

<...> \Enterworks\EPX4\Jboss\modules\system\layers\base\native\sbin\

Generally, changes should only be made to this property file based on direction from a patch.