Detailed Debugging
To track errors in the system it is useful to turn on detailed debugging logs, however they can produce copious log information. It is therefore recommended to perform this step only after requested to do so by EnterWorks support staff.
Anytime configuration files are modified, services that use those files must be restarted for those changes to go into effect.
Don’t turn on any debugging unless instructed by EW rep. is okay to turn on.
PIM System Debug Logs
To enable the Debug Logs feature,
- Log into the Enable Classic UI as a user in the Administrator group.
- In the Feature bar, open the System
tab, and click Log Level Setting.
Select Log Level Settings
- Set all the components to the level ALL and click Save.
Select Level of Logging
- Perform the action(s) that caused the errors.
- Repeat steps 2 through 4, this time setting the log levels to Severe.
- When you are finished generating the logs, it is recommended that you disable the Debug Logs feature, as the debugging logs create a large number of entries. To disable the debug logs, repeat steps 2 through 4, this time setting the log levels to Off.
EPX Work flow Debug Logs
There are configuration options in two files that control debug logging for workflow processes: and
The debugging logs configured in the file provide a large amount of detailed debugging log messages. It is recommended that you disable this debug log function for daily use. To configure this function:
In the configuration file
- To enable logging: debug.out=true
- To disable logging: debug.out=false
- Restart the EPX services for the configuration change to take effect.
The debugging logs configured in the file provide detailed debugging log messages but have a smaller footprint. It is not necessary to disable this debug log function for daily use; however, you may wish to do so once the EnterWorks system has been installed and live for a few months, and this debug log is not necessary. To configure this function:
In the configuration file
- To enable logging: debug.enable=true
- To disable logging: debug.enable=false
- Restart the EPX services for the configuration change to take effect.